京东商城开通英文网站 开拓西方市场-查字典英语网
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京东商城开通英文网站 开拓西方市场

发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

China’s largest online retailer by transaction volume is counting on an expansion into western markets to bolster profit margins as it is squeezed by intense competition at home.


360buyhopes to generate annual revenues of $100m from operations outside China within two or three years, Shi Tao, vice-president, told the Financial Times. “That would be the break-even point for the international business, he said, adding that it was “very possible that this will help boost profitability for the company overall because this is a higher-margin business.


Net revenue at 360buy was Rmb21bn ($3.36bn) last year and is expected to double this year.


The company, which sells a wide range of goods to Chinese consumers online, accounted for 27.7 per cent of the transaction volume on Chinese websites that conduct online transactions themselves, with transactions worth about Rmb15bn in the second quarter, according to Analysys, a research firm. The majority, or 76.6 per cent, of the country’s online retail transactions are conducted on Taobao and TMall, the retail websites of Alibaba Group. However, Alibaba does not trade itself – it only provides platforms on which third-party vendors offer their products.

京东商城向中国消费者在线出售各种商品。研究企业易观国际(Analysys)表示,京东商城交易额占中国自行开展在线交易的网站交易额的27.7%,今年第二季度的交易额达150亿元人民币。中国在线零售交易的大部分——76.6%是在阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)旗下的零售网站淘宝和天猫(TMall)进行的。不过,阿里巴巴本身并不进行交易,它只是提供交易平台,让第三方卖家能够销售产品。

360buy launched an English-language website last week, targeting consumers in the US, Europe and other western markets, making it a fledgling rival to Amazon.comand eBay. It offers 400,000 products including wedding dresses, tailor-made clothes, Chinese language books, consumer electronics and apparel.



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