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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Readers of The Big Short will recognise this once-fashionable trick of financial engineering: 1) Take some debt rated triple B, triple B plus and A minus; 2) Bundle it together; 3) Get it rated triple A; 4) Flog it to investors, writes Josh Noble.

《大空头》(The Big Short)的读者会一眼认出这种一度盛行的金融工程学操作手法:1) 选取一些评级为BBB、BBB+和A-的债券;2) 把这些债券打包在一起;3) 把打包后的债券评为AAA级;4) 推销给投资者。

Reports from China suggest that this technique is beginning to catch on among cash-strapped small and medium enterprises.


According to the South China Morning Post, three such companies in Jiangsu province – Changzhou Shende Seamless Tube, Changzhou Dongfeng Agricultural Machinery Group, and Chang Group – have clubbed together to issue Rmb260m in joint three-year debt.


The three have credit ratings of triple B, triple B plus and A minus, respectively. But, due to support from the local government, their jointly issued bonds are triple A rated. So, is the dreaded collateralised debt obligation, that clever sleight of hand that helped drive the US housing market into the stratosphere, creeping into China?

这三家公司的信用评级分别为BBB、BBB+和A-。但由于得到当地政府的支持,它们所发行集合债券的评级被定为AAA级。这么说,令人畏惧的债务抵押债券(Collateralised Debt Obligations, CDO)——将美国住房市场推上“巅峰的聪明技巧——正在潜入中国吗?

There’s a key difference to the US practice of bundling subprime mortgages and repackaging them: these Chinese bonds are backed by the government, albeit the local kind. So the question for investors isn’t whether the individual companies are triple A rated, it’s whether they think the local government will pay back the debt on their behalf if things go wrong.


Local governments are not without their own debt worries. Last year the national audit office put the LG debt figure at about $1,650bn, while others think it could be much higher.

地方政府在债务方面也有自己的担忧。中国国家审计署(National Audit Office)去年公布的数据显示,地方政府的负债额约为1.65万亿美元,而其他人则认为,实际负债额可能远远高于这个数字。

So would bond investors lending to SMEs, and in turn local governments, be throwing good money after bad? That depends on your view of China’s debt chain. Local governments largely owe money to big state-backed banks, which in turn are tools of the central government.


Many economists believe China’s banks will need some kind of recapitalisation as bad debts surface and non-performing loans rise. If managed correctly, that needn’t be a cause for alarm. At the moment, things don’t look too troubling. NPL ratios are low, and indeed falling.


China’s SMEs need cash to keep going – they’ve been frozen out of normal credit channels for months. This method of funding helps spread the credit risks to investors, with a government backstop. So, economically, it is good news. And so long as China’s debt problem looks manageable, there’s no reason to believe that these triple A rated bonds are any different to any others. Investors got their cash back following a “credit event on a similar bond this year.


But – with China’s economy slowing, and its debt problem essentially impossible to quantify – it may still require a strong stomach to invest.



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