The arrival of investment banks in the aluminium market has triggered a shake-up in the $100bn industry that is forcing producers from Alcoato Rusaland consumers such as BMWand Coca-Colato change the way they do business.
The increasingly dominant role of banks including Goldman Sachs, JPMorganand Deutsche Bank– as well as traders such as Glencore– has prompted a surge to record levels in the premium consumers pay for metal over the benchmark price set at the London Metal Exchange.
高盛(Goldman Sachs)、摩根大通(JPMorgan)和德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)等投行以及嘉能可(Glencore)等交易商在铝市场日益占据主导地位,导致用铝企业为这种金属支付的溢价飙升至创纪录水平。这里的溢价是相对伦敦金属交易所(LME)的基准价格而言。
Aluminium is the second most widely-used metal after steel, found in everything from aircraft to fizzy drinks cans. For years, the market has been a low-profile business handled by specialist merchants and producers, but in recent years investment banks have become more involved.
The banks can lock in a guaranteed return by storing the metal in giant warehouses, allowing them to bid up prices for the metal and remove supplies from the market.
The process has pushed premiums for physical aluminium to record highs in excess of $250 a tonne, up by more than half since the start of the year. As a percentage of the aluminium LME price, global premiums are at a record 13 per cent, after averaging 5 per cent between 2007 and 2011.
The wild moves in aluminium prices will be the main topic of discussion at the industry’s largest annual gathering which begins today in Moscow.
Executives and traders said that because of the dramatic moves in premiums, producers and consumers of aluminium were likely to move away from their traditional annual contracts set at fixed premiums to LME prices.
“Producers are looking to sell on shorter term or floating premium, said a trader at one large aluminium producer. Traders and analysts said that consumers would also probably seek shorter-term deals.
The situation has been exacerbated by long queues to withdraw metal from warehouses registered with the LME, which sets the rate at which companies must deliver it out.
Goldman, JPMorgan and Barclayshave all bought LME warehousing groups, as have traders Glencore and Trafigura.
Traders estimate that the large majority of global inventories, which stand at more than 10m tonnes, enough to build 150,000 Boeing 747s, are tied up by banks or traders.
交易员估计,全球绝大部分的铝库存由投行或交易商把持。全球铝库存超过1000万吨,足够建造15万架波音747飞机(Boeing 747)。
Oleg Deripaska, chief executive of Moscow-based Rusal, writes in the FT today that about 65 per cent of LME’s aluminium stocks were tied-up in financial deals.
总部位于莫斯科的俄罗斯铝业的首席执行官奥列格·德里帕斯卡(Oleg Deripaska)今日在英国《金融时报》撰文称,约65%的LME铝库存锁定在金融合约中。
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