A guideline issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has outlined how Chinese legislatures' review and supervision concerning expenditure budget and relevant policies will be enhanced.
《意见》指出,实施人大预算审查监督重点向支出预算和政策拓展(strengthening the people's congresses' review and supervision over expenditure budget and policies),是依法加强和改进人大预算审查监督工作(review and supervision on budget)的内在要求,是建立和完善中国特色社会主义预算审查监督制度的重要举措(an important measure to establish and perfect the budget review and supervision system with Chinese characteristics)。
《意见》提出,按照党中央改革部署要求和预算法、监督法规定,人大对支出预算和政策开展全口径审查和全过程监管,主要内容包括:支出预算的总量与结构(the total amount and structure of expenditure budget)、重点支出与重大投资项目(key expenditures and major investment projects)、部门预算(budgets of various Party and governmental departments)、财政转移支付(the implementation of transfer payment budgets)、政府债务(government debts)。
支出预算 expenditure budget
审查监督 review and supervision
预算收入 budgeted revenue
中期财政规划 mid-term fiscal plans
无序举债搞建设 disorderly use of debt financing for construction