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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

China's state-backed railway builder will be constructing a new stadium for one of Italy's most storied soccer clubs, thanks to the involvement of a figure known for broking sports deals between China and the West.


On Thursday, Internazionale Milano S.p.A., also known as Inter Milan, said a group of Chinese investors bought a stake in the club to become its second-largest shareholder. The terms of the deal were not disclosed.

国际米兰(Internazionale Milano S.p.A.)周四表示,一群中国投资者收购了该俱乐部一部分股权,成为该俱乐部的第二大股东。交易的具体条款没有披露。

Separately, China Railway 15th Bureau Group Co., a company controlled by listed China Railway Construction Corp., will build a new stadium for the highly indebted club, expected to be completed by 2017. Inter currently shares the San Siro stadium with rivals A.C. Milan, owned by former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi.

另外,由上市公司中国铁建股份有限公司(China Railway Construction Corp.)控股的中铁十五局集团有限公司(China Railway 15th Bureau Group Co.)将为这个债台高筑的俱乐部建设一座新的体育场,预计于2017年完工。国际米兰目前与竞争对手、意大利前总理贝卢斯科尼(Silvio Berlusconi)所有的AC米兰(A.C. Milan)共用圣西罗体育场(San Siro)。

According to a statement, Kenneth Huang will be named to the board of directors of the club effective October. Followers of soccer may remember Mr. Huang's name popping up most recently in connection with a possible takeover bid of Liverpool Football Club in 2010 from its American owners, Fenway Sports Group, also the owners of the Boston Red Sox.

根据声明,黄健华将被任命为国际米兰的董事,任命将于今年10月生效。球迷们或许还记得,黄健华的名字最近一次出现,是他在2010年准备从美国芬威体育集团(Fenway Sports Group)手中收购利物浦足球俱乐部(Liverpool Football Club)。芬威同时也是职业棒球队波士顿红袜队(Boston Red Sox)的所有者。

Guangzhou-born and U.S.-educated Mr. Huang, also known as Huang Jianhua, heads QSL Sports Ltd., a Hong Kong-based investment firm co-founded with Adrian Cheng, one of the heirs to Hong Kong transport-to-retail conglomerate New World Development Co. Ltd. Mr. Cheng has since sold out of his interest in the company.

出生于广州、求学于美国的黄健华是香港投资公司QSL体育联盟有限公司(QSL Sports Ltd.)的负责人。这家公司的创始人除了他本人以外,还有香港交通、零售集团新世界发展有限公司(New World Development Co. Ltd.)的继承人之一郑志刚。后来郑志刚出售了他在这家公司的权益。

QSL also brokered a deal in 2010 for a group of Chinese investors to buy a 15% stake in basketball team Cleveland Cavaliers and its arena.

2010年,在QSL的促成下,一群中国投资者收购了篮球队克利夫兰骑士队(Cleveland Cavaliers)15%的股权及其主常

In 2010 the Cavaliers signed a multi-million dollar marketing deal with Chinese beer giant Tsingtao Brewery Co. Ltd. Mr. Huang later clarified that he did not hold any stake personally in the Cavaliers.

2010年,克利夫兰骑士队与中国青岛啤酒股份有限公司(Tsingtao Brewery Co. Ltd.)签订了一份价值数百万美元的营销协议。黄健华后来澄清,他个人与克利夫兰骑士队没有任何利害关系。

Mr. Huang also helped arrange deals between Chinese investors and the NBA's Rockets and the New York Yankees baseball team.

黄健华还曾帮助安排中国投资者与美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)的火箭队(Rockets)和纽约扬基棒球队(New York Yankees)达成交易。

Mr. Huang did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Cash-rich Asian buyers investing in European soccer clubs are nothing new. For example, Hong Kong businessman Carson Yeung, who was charged with money laundering by Hong Kong police last year, bought Birmingham City in 2010, and AirAsia Bhd. chief executive Tony Fernandes bought Queens Park Rangers last year.

资金雄厚的亚洲人投资欧洲足球队已经不是新鲜事。比如去年被香港警方指控洗钱的香港商人杨家诚就在2010年收购了伯明翰足球俱乐部(Birmingham City)。亚洲航空公司(AirAsia Bhd.)首席执行长费尔南德斯(Tony Fernandes)去年收购了女王公园巡游者队(Queens Park Rangers)。

But a move by one of China's biggest railway and infrastructure builders signifies something more than just a vanity investment. It would be the country's latest step as part of a concerted effort to win construction projects in the West, particularly in cash-strapped economies. But while Chinese companies have been active in building large construction projects such as railways and stadiums in the developing world, mostly in Africa, working in the West comes with extra regulatory obstacles that CRCC may want to be mindful of in Milan.


For example, another state-backed builder, China Railway Group Ltd., faltered in Poland when its international arm China Overseas Engineering Group Co. failed to finish building a highway in Poland nearly three years after the contract was awarded. One legal requirement that stumped Covec included passageways beneath highways to allow small animals to cross the road's path safely, commonplace in Europe but alien to the Chinese builders.

比如,另一家国有建筑企业中国中铁股份有限公司(China Railway Group Ltd.)就曾在波兰遇挫。该公司的子公司中国海外工程有限责任公司(China Overseas Engineering Group Co.)在波兰拿到一条高速公路的建设合同,三年过后仍未完工。根据法律规定,中国海外工程公司必须在高速公路底下修建通道,让小动物安全过路。这在欧洲是惯例,但对中国建筑商来说却十分陌生。


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