Taking steps in all sectors to improve quality, we will work toward meeting the highest international standards, encourage the spirit of workmanship, and ignite a revolution in the quality of Chinese-made goods.
“品质革命(quality revolution)”一词首次出现是在2016年5月11日国务院常务会议上,指一系列为了增加消费品种类、提升商品品质、创建知名品牌而进行的改革,旨在满足人们不断升级的消费需求。
做细做实中国制造,就要让品质成为从日用品到高精尖领域等各行各业共同追求的目标,对产品生产到售后的每一个环节都高标准、严要求(every industry link from production to after-sales service should live up to a high standard),一把尺子量到底;做大做强中国“质”造,就要加快培养技能型劳动者大军(a skilled labor force should be cultivated),“向人才要红利”,更要让工匠精神渗入每件产品、每道工序,凡事不做则已,做则做到极致完美;做高做精中国“智”造,就要重视科技创新(focus on technological innovation),摒弃抄袭仿造,专注研发属于自己的、名副其实的原创高附加值产品(develop original high added-value products)。
中国制造2025 Made in China 2025
工匠精神 the spirit of workmanship/craftsmanship
知识产权强国 IPR powerhouse
发展新动能 new driver of growth
创新驱动发展战略 innovation-driven development strategy
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