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发布时间:2019-10-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  第二部分 阅读理解


  The ground we walk on seems firm, but deep under the earth and under the sea the rocks change and move. In some parts of the world there are “fire mountains”, which we call volcanoes. From time to time they burst open and throw out fire and burning ashes. These volcanoes are very dangerous.           Hong Kong does not have any volcanoes but there are many volcanoes in Indonesia and Philippines. There is also a famous mountain near Tokyo, Japan, which is a volcano too. Its name is Mount Fuji. For much of the year,it is covered with snow.           One of the most famous volcanoes which erupted in recent times was Krakatoa, on an island in Indonesia. The first explosions took place on 20th May, 1883, but the biggest eruption did not come until the 26th and 27th August of that year. The people on the island were used to the explosions by that time, and so they were completely unprepared for this terrible happening. Almost all the people on the island died and the explosion also made huge waves in the sea, which drowned (淹死) many people on the other island nearby. After the eruption was over,people saw that the whole northern part of the island had completely disappeared. Scientists say that 15 cubic (立方) kilometres of rocks and ash were thrown up in the explosion. The noise of the explosion was heard nearly 5,000 kilometres away in the middle of the Indian Ocean,and the city of Jakarta was completely dark for about two and a half hours.

  21. There are many volcanoes ________.

  A. everywhere in the world           B. under the earth and the sea C. in Hong Kong                               D. in Indonesia

  22. The people near Krakatoa were unprepared when it had its biggest explosions because people there ________.

  A. had never met any explosions of the volcano before

  B. were used to the explosions by that time

  C. didn't want to leave their island

  D. could do nothing but wait

  23. People who lived 5,000 kilometres away from Krakatoa could ________.

  A. see that the 15 cubic kilometres of rocks and ash were thrown up B. hear the noise of the explosion C. see the huge waves D. see that Krakatoa was dark

  24. The biggest explosion made ________.

  A. all the people on the island die B. the whole island disappear C. the city of Jakarta completely dark for about two and a half hours D. huge waves in the middle of the Indian Ocean

  open from 7:00pm for drinks and snacks (快餐)


  Electric Underground 7:30pm-1:00am   Free at the Cyclops Theatre     Do you know who's playing in your area? We're bringing you an exciting evening of live rock and pop music from the best local bands. Are you interested in becoming a musician and getting a recording contract (合同)? If so, come early to the talk at 7:30pm by Jules Skye, a successful record producer. He's going to talk about how you can find the right person to produce your music. Gee Whizz 8:30pm-10:30pm   Comedy at Kaleidoscope     Come and see Gee Whizz perform. He's the funniest stand-up comedian on the comedy scene. This joyful show will please everyone, from the youngest to the oldest. Gee Whizz really knows how to make you laugh! Our bar is Simon's Workshop 5:00pm-7:30pm    Wednesdays at Victoria Stage     This is a good chance for anyone who wants to learn how to do comedy. The workshop looks at every kind of comedy, and practices many different ways of making people laugh. Simon is a comedian and actor who has 10 years' experience of teaching comedy. His workshops are exciting and fun. An evening with Simon will give you the confidence to be funny. Charlotte Stone 8:00pm-11:00pm Pizza World     Fine food with beautiful jazz music; this is a great evening out. Charlotte Stone will perform songs from her new best-selling CD, with James Pickering on the piano. The menu is Italian, with excellent meat and fresh fish, pizzas and pasta (面食). Book early to get a table. Our bar is open all day, and serves cocktails, coffee, beer, and white wine.

  25.Who can help you if you want to have your music produced?

  A. Jules Skye.                 

  B. Gee Whizz.                

  C. Charlotte Stone.               

    D. James Pickering.

  26.At which place can people of different ages enjoy a good laugh?

  A. The Cyclops Theatre.        

      B. Kaleidoscope. 

  C. Victoria Stage.           

   D. Pizza World.

  27.What do we know about Simon's Workshop?

  A. It requires membership status.            B. It lasts three hours each time.

  C. It is run by a comedy club.                   D. It is held every Wednesday.


  To us, it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains. But in fact the umbrella was not invented as protection against the rain. Its first use was as a shade against the sun.

  Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. Probably the first to use it were the Chinese, way back in the eleventh century B.C..

  We know that the umbrella was also used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade. And there was a strange thing connected with its use: it became a symbol of honor and power. In the Far East in ancient times, the umbrella was allowed to be used only by those in high office or by royal people such as the kings or queens.

  In Europe, the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella as a sunshade. And the umbrella was in common use in ancient Greece. But it is believed that the first persons in Europe to use the umbrellas as protection against the rain were the ancient Romans. During the middle ages in Europe, the use of the umbrella most disappeared. Then it appeared again in Italy in the late sixteenth century. And again it became a symbol of power.

  Umbrellas have not changed much in style during all this time, though they have become much lighter in weight. It wasn't until the twentieth century that the umbrellas for women began to be made in all kinds of colors.

  28.Ancient people first used umbrellas as ______.

  A. a symbol of honor                      B. a symbol of power

  C. protection against the sun       D. protection against the rain

  29.According to the passage, the umbrella was probably first used in ancient__________.

  A. Babylon  

     B. China    

     C. Egypt  

     D. Rome

  30.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

  A. The ancient Greeks used the umbrella in their daily life   

  B. Europeans hardly used the umbrella during the middle ages

  C. The umbrellas for woman were made colorful in ancient times         

  D. The style of the umbrella hasn't changed a lot since it was invented

  31.What is the passage mainly about?

  A. The sales of the umbrella    

  B. The history and the use of the umbrella

  C. The invention of the umbrella   

  D. The differences among umbrellas


  London is one of the most popular sites in the world for tourists to visit.If you are planning a trip to London in the future you're lucky. There are a variety of attractions for you to enjoy.

  One of the most popular tourist attractions in London is the Tower of London. Founded more than 900 years ago, the Tower of London is one of the world's most famous towers and has changed a lot Here you can also find the seven ravens (乌鸦)which live in the Tower. There is a story that says: If there are no ravens in the Tower, the Tower and the kingdom will fall. There are also lots of tours, exhibits and special events that you can enjoy throughout the year.

  Another popular place to visit is Westminster Abbey. It was set up in 1065 by Edward the Confessor. Visitors to Westminster Abbey can enjoy its beautiful special Gothic architecture (哥特式建筑).There are also lots of memorials of Kings and Queens to enjoy. Excellent transportation is available here by bus or tube from many locations in London.

  Buckingham Palace is another place with a rich history to discover. It's the official London residence (住处)of Queen ElizabethⅡ. During August and September, you can visit the State Rooms and see the Changing of the Guards. The Queen's Gallery is open to the public daily. Checking the official timetable before you make sure to visit the Palace is a must, because it is not open year round.

  32.We probably read the text in a(n)______.

  A. travel magazine B. bookstore


  C. advertisement            

  D. science report


  may it suggest if no ravens are seen in the Tower according to the story?

  A. The approaching of Christmas.          

  B. Most rare animals are in danger.

  C. The

  Tower and the kingdom will fall.              

  D. The sudden change of the global climate.

  34.What can we learn about the text?

  A. There are few changes over the Tower.          

  B. London is the most popular site in the world.

  C. People can visit the Changing of the Guards year round.          

  D. Memorials of Kings and Queens can be seen at Westminster Abbey.

  35.What's the best title for the text?

  A. An Unforgettable Visit to London       

  B. Attractions in London

  C. Old Stories about London      

  D. A Brief Introduction to London

  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  Each of us must communicate with others in this world. Sometimes communication is easy and your behavior is in harmony with (与……协调一致) others.________ There are times when you are completely misunderstood. Therefore, it is really necessary to follow the tips below to increase your communication skills.Nod your head.People can think far faster than you can talk. If you want someone to agree with you, nod your head slightly up and down. 37.________ Be respectful of space.Everyone needs some space. 38.________ Most people are not close talkers. Standing too close during conversations makes some people want to get away. Keep this in mind, especially if you’ve eaten garlic for lunch.


  Smiling will not only make you feel better, but also make whomever you are speaking with feel better.39. ________  This takes practice, but the benefits of learning how to eye smile can produce communication candy.


  When you first meet someone, be sure to look directly into his eyes with a smile when shaking his hand. There is nothing worse than receiving a careless handshake from someone. Handshakes can tell you a lot about people

  A. Smile with your eyes.

  B. Shake hands correctly.

  C. However, this is not always right.

  D. If you don't have anything good to say, say nothing.2

  E. Don't stand too close to someone that you are speaking with.

  F. There are many ways that we can improve our communication skills.

  G. This body language will encourage whomever you are speaking with to agree with you.

  第三部分 语言知识运用(共分)

  A blind man walks into a restaurant. The waiter, who is also the owner, handed him a(n). “I'm sorry, sir, but you know I can't42it. Just bring me a dirty fork from the43 customer. I'll smell it and order from there.” A little 44,

  the owner walked over to the dirty dish pile anda fork. He returned and handed it to him. The blind man put the fork to his 46.________ and takes in a deep breath.

  “Ah, yes, that's what I'll have — meat and potatoes.”47,

  the owner thought as he walked towards the. The cook happened to be the owner's49. He told her what had just happened.

  Several days later, the blind man

  50 and the owner mistakenly brought him a menu 51.

  “Sir, remember me? I'm the blind man.”

  “I'm sorry, I didn't 52 you. I'll go and get you a dirty fork.”

  After another deep 53,the blind man says, “That smells great. I'll take the cheese.” Walking away in 54,the owner told his wife that the next time the blind man comes in he's going to55 him.

  He returned the following week, but this time the owner saw56 coming and ran to the kitchen.

  He tells his wife, “Mary, rub this fork on your dress

  57 I take it to the blind man.”

  Mary 58and handed her husband the fork. As the blind man walked in, the owner was

  59 and waiting.

  “Good afternoon, sir! This time I remembered you and I already have the fork ready for you.”

  The blind man puts the fork to his nose and said,“I didn't know Mary worked here!” To be honest, and don't try to60 the others for you sometimes will be laughed at in your own way.

  41. A. menu B. bill C. fork D. dish

  42. A. listen B. smell C. feel D. read

  43. A. next B. only C. other D. last

  44. A. ashamed B. pleased C. surprised D. frightened

  45. A. put up B. brought up C. picked up D. gave up

  46. A. mouth B. nose C. head D. arm

  47. A. Uncomfortable B. Unbelievable C. Unlucky D. Unhappy

  48. A. kitchen B. street C. restaurant D. table

  49. A. waiter B. friend C. wife D. teacher

  50. A. disappeared B. left C. earned D. returned

  51. A. once B. again C. still D. even

  52. A. know B. recognize C. realize D. meet

  53. A. breath B. fork C. seat D. walk

  54. A. danger B. relief C. return D. disbelief

  55. A. test B. check C. examine D. try

  56. A. her B. him C. them D. it

  57. A. until B. unless C. before D. after

  58. A. refused B. suggested C. agreed D. denied

  59. A. angry B. ready C. happy D. afraid

  60. A. treat B. hurt C. fool D. hate



  First aid is of importance in our life. There is no doubt__________ it is necessary to know some knowledge of first aid as dangers lie everywhere and(62)__________ (accident) happen from time to time. If a person has an accident, he needs medical care(63) __________ a doctor can be found. But in the process of first aid, whether the(64) ________   (injure) will be properly treated depends on your knowledge of first aid. As (65)________ famous journalist, Yansong leads a very simple life. But he not only has a good nose for news, but also has (66)________(admire) professional first aid skills, becausehe(67)______ (think) if we know something about first aid, perhaps a life can (68) ________(save).

  Everybody should know some first aid in order to save other (69)________(people) lives. Let's take delight in (70)________ (acquire) skills of first aid.

  第四部分 写作(共两节 满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分

  文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;       2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。     As the saying goes, “many little drop of water make an ocean.” A small action may lead to major changes in society. My friends and I participated a voluntary activity at a nursing home last week. We first did some cleaning or washing. After that we spend half an hour chat with the old people living there. Though it was a tired day, we were happy with that we did. I felt a sense of responsibility by visiting the old. If all of us lend a helping hand to the people in the need, we can live in harmony with each other. A society is just like a family. If they are willing to help others, our small action can make a bigger difference.

  第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)

  假设你是李华, 你的笔友Mike前不久从美国给你寄了一份新年礼物,他发电子邮件询问你是否收到,及你的寒假安排。请根据以下要点给他写一封回信。 内容要点如下: 

  1 收到礼物,并表示感谢;2 寒假打算复习功课,锻炼身体和出门旅行;3 邀请他五一长假时到中国来玩儿。

  注意:1 词数100左右;2 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3 开头语和结尾语已为你写好。Dear Mike,Yours, Li Hua



  1.【答案】(1)D (2)B (3)B (4)C

  【解析】【分析】从“In some parts of the world there are ‘fire mountains’, which we call volcanoes but there are many volcanoes in Indonesia and Philippines.”看出火山并不是到处都有,排除A项和B项,香港没有火山,排除C项,故选D项。 从“The people on the island were used to the explosions by that time, and so they were completely unprepared for this terrible happening”看出当地的人们已经习惯了它的喷发,因此,当最大的喷发发生时,人们没有准备。 从“The noise of the explosion was heard nearly 5,000 kilometres away in the middle of the Indian Ocean”看出几乎5000千米远的人们能够听到它的声音,故选B项,并不一定能够看到岩石和灰烬,排除A项。 4.由“After the eruption was over,people saw that the whole northern part of the island had completely disappeared”的northern part看出排除B项;从“and the city of Jakarta was completely dark for about two and a half hours”看出选C项.



  【解析】【分析】(1)客人来到饭店后,服务员最先拿来的是菜单,所以用menu;另外从文章第三段中也有明确的提示;brought him a menu again,这说明拿来的是菜单。故该题的正确答案为A项。 (2)从文章的第一句的A blind man可知他是个盲人,故他肯定不能“读,看”,故该题的正确答案为D项。 (3)推理判断题。从下面的I'll smell it可知是闻别人使用过的叉子,故应该是上一位顾客,所以要用last。故该题的正确答案为D项。 (4)盲人怪异的做法,让老板感到有点“吃惊”(surprised);他没有必要“羞愧”(ashamed)或者“高兴”(pleased);也不会感到“害怕”(frightened)。故该题的正确答案为C项。 (5)从那一堆餐具中“拿起”一个叉子,要用pick up。所以该题的正确答案为C项。 (6)从上面的smell可知他要用鼻子闻;最后一段The blind man puts the fork to his nose都明确说明此处要用nose。故该题的正确答案为B项。 (7)从上文中的老板感到奇怪,并且听到了盲人点的菜,和从下文中的他的所做可知他对盲人不相信,故应该unbelievable。所以该题的正确答案为B项。 (8)从后面的the cook可知他是去了厨房。故该题的正确答案为A项。 (9)从后文He tells his wife可知那个厨师就是他的妻子。故该题的正确答案为C项。 (10)盲人再次来,所以用returned。故该题的正确答案为D项。 (11)由于上次来过,而且老板给他拿了菜单,所以他又“再次”拿来,故应该用again。所以该题的正确答案为B项。 (12)盲人来过一次了,从上文中老板的道歉,可知他这次还是没有“认出”那个盲人。故该题的正确答案为B项。 (13)从前边的takes in a deep breath可知是盲人要闻味道,他要先深吸一口气。故该题的正确答案为A项。 (14)此时他还是不相信,故用in disbelief。故该题的正确答案为D项。 (15)从下文中老板的做法可知他要检验盲人的做法,故应该用test。所以该题的正确答案为A项。 (16)这里老板是看到那个盲人来了,故应该用him。所以该题的正确答案为B项。 (17)从后面的盲人闻到了Mary的味道,可知是把叉子送给盲人之前给她的,所以要用before。故该题的正确答案为C项。 (18)从下面的I didn't know that Mary worked here可知盲人闻出了,所以可以判断出老板的妻子同意了他的做法,所以要用agreed。故该题的正确答案为C项。 (19)从下句“Good afternoon, sir! This time I remembered you and I already have the fork ready for you”可知老板看到他来是早就“准备好了”,所以此处要用ready。故该题的正确答案为B项。 (20)从后面的you sometimes will be laughed at in your own way是在劝说你不要“愚弄”别人,所以要用fool。故该题的正确答案为C项。 【点评】此题要求学生根据上下文选择恰当的词语以让文章完整。学生做题时一定要抓住全文中心和所要选词语上下文。


  【答案】that;accidents;before;injured;a;admirable;thinks;be saved;people's;acquiring

  【解析】【分析】①there is no doubt that“毫无疑问······”。 ②此处指不止一个事故,故应使用accidents的复数形式。 ③句意:如果一个人出了事故,那么在找到医生之间他需要医疗照顾。表示“在······之前”用before。 ④the injured指受伤的人。the +adj.表示一类人。 ⑤此处缺少冠词,意为作为一名著名的记者。 ⑥此处需使用形容词修饰professional first aid。指令人钦佩的专业急救知识。 ⑦主语he为第三人称单数,且句子时态为一般现在时态,故应使用thinks。 ⑧b主语 a life与save之间存在逻辑上的被动关系,故应使用其被动形式。 ⑨此处需使用名词所有格表示“其他人的”。 ⑩介词in后的动词应使用v.-ing形式。 【点评】本文讲述的是了解急救知识的重要性。题材贴近生活,难度不大,学生做起来比较顺手。


  【解析】【分析】①drop—drops  drop作为名词意为“珠、滴”时为可数名词,前有many修饰,故用复数形式。 ②participated 后面加in  participate作为“参加”时,后面需要加上介词in。 ③or—and  cleaning 和washing之间为并列关系,故使用并列连词and。 ④spend—spent  这里讲述的是上周的事情,时态为一般过去时。 ⑤chat—chatting  spend sometime doing sth.“花费时间做某事”。 ⑥tired—tiring  tired修饰人,tiring修饰物。 ⑦that—what  what不仅充当句子成分,而且含有一定的意义,表示“我们所做的事情”。 ⑧去掉need前面的the   in need“急需,在危难中”。 ⑨they—we  句子后面出现了our,对应的主语应该是we“我们”。 ⑩bigger—big  make a big difference “产生很大的不同;意义重大;有很大影响”为固定搭配,无比较的意味。 【点评】在日常生活中,学生应该帮助父母做一些家务,减轻他们的负担。

  【解析】①空后的yet表转折,说明前后句意思相对。后句意思是“但是,一个很小的孩子,或者甚至是一只动物,比如一只鸽子,却能够辨认出不同的脸。我们都认为这种能力是理所当然的。”那么前句相应的应该是G选项“即使是一个技巧娴熟的作家也很可能无法描绘出能让一张脸区别于另一张脸的所有特征。” ②空格处为第二段的总括,第二段讲的是当谈到某人的个性时,我们指的是这个人与众不同的行为,言谈,思想和感受。即我们也根据人们的行为区别不同的人。 ③根据前句But describing someone’s personality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face. 和后句But if you were asked to describe a “nice person”, you might begin to think about someone who was kind, considerate, friendly, warm, and so forth.可知此处应该是要讲如果有人让你描述一个“好脸”是什么样的,你很可能回答不上来。 ④根据前句found nearly 18,000 English words characterizing differences in people’s behavior.和后句Bookworms, conservatives, military types – people are described with such terms.可知此处应该是我们中的许多人用这些信息作为描绘某人的个性或给它分类的基础。 ⑤但是我们能很容易辨别好人和坏人,因为这两类人在外表和行为上都是不同的。 【点评】文章主要讲述了我们有各种各样的方法来定义一个人,可以根据性格来定义,也可以根据其他条件来定义。条理清楚,做题时仔细观察前后句和前后段落即可正确地找出答案。

  1.【答案】DearMike,I’m glad to tell you that I have received yourgift. Thanks so much for the lovely MP3, I really appreciate it. Now I would like to share with you my plan forthe coming winter vacation. First, I should go over my lessons so that I couldhave a better understanding of them. Then I will do exercise to keep mephysically strong. In addition, I’m going to travel during the holiday becauseI want to relax after a long and hard term.  I am wondering whether you are available duringthe coming May Day holiday. I’d like to invite you to China and enjoy the greatspring scenery here.

  Looking forward to your reply.                                                 Yours, Li Hua




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