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high-quality development
Heed the requirement that development must be high quality; coordinate efforts to pursue the five-sphere integrated plan and the four-pronged comprehensive strategy; continue to regard supply-side structural reform as our main task; coordinate all work to maintain stable growth, promote reform, make structural adjustments, improve living standards, and guard against risk.
The above targets take into consideration the need to secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and are fitting given the fact that China's economy is transitioning from a phase of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development.
Our SOEs should, through reform and innovation, become front-runners in pursuing high-quality development.
China will further expand the scope and raise the quality of its opening up; the structure, layout, institutions, and mechanisms for opening up will be improved, and we will use high-standard opening up to generate high-quality development.
国务院发展研究中心副主任王一鸣指出,高质量发展(high-quality development)根本在于经济的活力、创新力和竞争力,供给侧结构性改革(supply-side structural reform)是根本途径。他认为,当前转向高质量发展具备很多有利的基础性条件,比如过去五年最终消费的上升、服务业占比的提高大大增强了经济运行的稳定性,中等收入群体(middle-income group)规模的不断增大提供了强大的市场驱动力,供给侧结构性改革有效强化了市场功能,科技创新和技术扩散为高质量发展提供了技术支撑,全球价值链的变化为高质量发展提供机遇。
modernized economy
We will devote attention to addressing unbalanced and insufficient development. Centering on developing a modernized economy, we will put quality first and give priority to performance, and promote economic structural improvement and upgrading. We must respect objective economic laws, consider both long-and near-term needs, ensure the economy performs within a reasonable range, and achieve a situation in which steady economic growth and improvement in quality and performance reinforce each other.
中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院研究员杨瑞龙表示,要建设现代化经济体系(modernized economy),必须要正确处理政府与市场之间的关系,原则是要发挥市场经济在资源配置中的决定性作用和更好地发挥政府作用。
"要建立现代化经济体系,必须要超越过去四十年的一些结构改革调整的思路,即不应当就市场谈市场,就经济谈经济。"中国人民大学副校长、国家发展与战略研究院执行院长刘元春说,市场经济体系的建设不在于简单的培育市场主体(market entities)本身。这些年政府的信用膨胀是一个很大的问题,因此对政府的权力约束和再定位变得非常关键。
three critical battles against potential risk, poverty, and pollution
We will ensure success in the three critical battles against potential risk, poverty, and pollution, battles that are important for decisively bringing to completion the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. We need to adopt targeted approaches and specific measures, draw up timetables and roadmaps, and set well-defined priorities. We will make sure risks and potential dangers are effectively controlled, make sure poverty alleviation is fully accomplished, and make sure there is an overall improvement in the quality of the environment.
We will improve the structure of budgetary spending, making sure that more financial allocations are used for the public good and universal benefit, increasing support for the three critical battles against potential risk, poverty, and pollution, and weighting spending toward innovation-driven development, agriculture, rural areas, and rural residents, and the improvement of living standards.
Fighting three critical battles. To fulfill our key annual tasks, we need to make everyone involved clear about their responsibilities, strengthen policy implementation, and ensure that every element of work is done to good, solid effect.
全国政协委员、清华大学中国与世界经济研究中心主任李稻葵指出,2018年我国的面临三大攻坚战中,风险防控(risk prevention and control)是第一位的。当前我国大量的金融资产以流动性很强的存款与现金的形式存在,未来的十年、二十年,资金跨境的流动都需加强管理。
全国政协委员、中央财经领导小组办公室副主任杨伟民表示,防范金融风险第一步要在实体经济方面继续深化供给侧结构性改革,继续清理"僵尸企业(zombie enterprise)"、去过剩产能。
change in quality, change in efficiency, and change in growth drivers
Continue to regard supply-side structural reform as our main task; coordinate all work to maintain stable growth, promote reform, make structural adjustments, improve living standards, and guard against risk; work hard to reform and open up further; explore new ideas on and improve macro regulation; promote a change in quality, change in efficiency, and change in growth drivers.
王一鸣指出,十九大报告强调我国"正处在转变发展方式、优化经济结构、转换增长动力的攻关期(in a pivotal period in the transformation of its growth model, its structural improvement and its shift to new growth drivers)",也就是说要攻克三个关口:转方式、优结构、增动力。"我们的要素大规模、高强度投入的条件正发生明显的变化。未来怎样提高要素的生产率,是我们攻克转换增长动力的关口的重要条件。"
rural revitalization strategy
Making strong moves in the rural revitalization strategy. Plans will be well designed and the institutions and mechanisms needed to achieve integrated urban-rural development will be improved. We will rely on reform and innovation to build powerful new growth drivers for rural development.
We will continue to pursue a Chinese path to socialist rural revitalization, and work faster to achieve agricultural and rural modernization.
中央农村工作领导小组办公室主任韩俊认为,实施乡村振兴战略(rural revitalization strategy),是党的十九大作出的重大决策部署,是决胜全面建成小康社会、全面建设社会主义现代化国家的重大历史任务,是中国特色社会主义进入新时代做好"三农"工作的新旗帜和总抓手。
他表示,乡村振兴是以农村经济发展为基础,包括农村文化、治理、民生、生态等在内的乡村发展水平的整体性提升。要按照产业兴旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、生活富裕的总要求(to build rural areas with thriving businesses, pleasant living environments, social etiquette and civility, effective governance, and prosperity),统筹谋划农村经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设和党的建设,注重协同性、关联性、整体性,推动农业全面升级、农村全面进步、农民全面发展。
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