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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

A Chinese court has sentenced the alleged leader of a counterfeiting ring that made fake French luxury Hermès handbags to life in prison, an unusually harsh sentence that legal experts say was meant to highlight intellectual-property protection.


The Heyuan Intermediate People's Court in China's southern province of Guangdong sentenced Xiao Zhenjiang to life in prison earlier this month after public security officials last year raided his factory in the small city of Heyuan, according to a statement on the court's website. Officials found 100 million yuan (about $15.7 million) worth of fake Hermès purses, the statement said. Three accomplices were sentenced to seven to 10 years in prison and were handed fines of 500,000 yuan to 800,000 yuan ($79,000 to $126,000).


Mr. Xiao couldn't be reached for comment. A spokeswoman for Hermès International SCA and Heyuan officials didn't respond to requests for comment Thursday. News of the sentence didn't spread until recent days, when the local government posted a photo on its website of what it said was a congratulatory banner from Hermès.


Legal advisers said that the sentence is unusually severe, as the average criminal sentence handed to counterfeiters is three to seven years in prison. 'Every year, thousands of people have been handed sentences for counterfeiting, but seldom is the sentence this harsh,' said Benjamin Bai, head of law firm Allen & Overy's China intellectual property practice.

法律顾问说,对肖振强的判决结果可谓异常严厉,中国一般对造假者的刑事判罚不过就是三年到七年的有期徒刑。安理国际律师事务所(Allen & Overy's)中国知识产权业务负责人白建民说,每年中国都有数千人因造假获刑,但很少有人判得这么重。

The harshest sentences are typically reserved for pharmaceutical and health-related counterfeiting, Mr. Bai said, adding that courts have the power to impose harsher punishments if they feel the crime justifies them.


The sentence is related to a broader regional crackdown launched in February to fight market manipulation, counterfeit products and bribery. Guangdong authorities have said the crackdown is aimed at increasing market innovation and social stability.


The Communist Party chief of Guangdong province, Wang Yang, has strengthened protection of intellectual-property rights this year in what many say is political jockeying to gain favor with China's central government ahead of the once-a-decade leadership transition this fall. 'If it was foreigners demanding that we protect IPR [intellectual-property rights] five to 10 years ago, now we are demanding this ourselves,' he said at a discussion on political reform in March. 'If there isn't a comprehensive system for protecting IPR, and a serious attack on [violations], our own economic transformation and upgrading will fail.'


Enforcement of intellectual-property-rights protections is typically a problem in China, but in recent months public-security officials in Guangzhou, the epicenter of China's counterfeit production, have stringently carried out raids, said Horace Lam, a Beijing-based intellectual-property partner of law firm Jones Day.

众达律师事务所(Jones Day)驻北京知识产权事务合伙人林俊杰(Horace Lam)所,知识产权保护法规执行不力是中国的一个通病,不过,这几个月公安人员在广州这个中国假货的集中地对假冒伪劣产品展开了严厉打击。

National leaders have increasingly stressed intellectual-property protection in recent years in an effort to protect China's homegrown brands and companies, said Mr. Lam. Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping said in February, ahead of his trip to the U.S., that China would take measures to address U.S. concerns over intellectual-property violations.


Promoting greater innovation by Chinese companies is one of the government's main policy goals as leaders attempt to reform China's economy, creating more research-based and technological powerhouses to compete with overseas companies.


Still, much of China's effort to protect intellectual property has been window-dressing, said Mr. Bai, adding that counterfeit raids are less efficient than creating stronger trademark and patent laws. 'Raids produce numbers and quotas,' Mr. Bai said.


In early August, China's public-security ministry said authorities across the country seized more than $182 million of counterfeit pharmaceuticals and detained nearly 2,000 suspects.



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