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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

China is steadily cranking up the heat in its territorial row with Japan, with several big Chinese banks a no-show at the IMF-World Bank meeting in Tokyo and government patrol boats continuing to venture into disputed waters.

中国正在稳步提升它与日本间领土纠纷的热度,几家大型中资银行没有派人出席在东京举行的国际货币基金组织(IMF)及世界银行(World Bank)会议,中国政府的巡逻船则继续开进到中日两国存在主权争议的水域。

Ever since the Japanese government announced last month it would buy three islets, known as Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu in Chinese, the presence of Chinese government boats near the islands has become a daily occurrence.


Experts say that's precisely China's strategy.


'There's the risk that the Japanese mass media is going to get used to this, and it will be taken as the norm,' said Yoshihiko Yamada, professor at the School of Marine Science and Technology at Japan's Tokai University, adding that a complacent attitude would be 'dangerous' for Japan.

日本东海大学(Tokai University)海洋科学与技术学院的教授山田吉彦(Yoshihiko Yamada)说,存在日本大众传播媒体将习惯于这种现象、并对其习以为常的风险。他还说,自鸣得意的态度对日本将是“危险的。

The Chinese boats have sailed mainly in the 'contiguous zone,' a band of sea just outside of the territorial waters around the islands, but have entered territorial waters five times since Sept. 14, bringing it to a total of eight for the year. That compares with only once in 2011, according to the Japan Coast Guard.

中国的巡逻船一直主要航行在上述岛屿的“邻近区域,即刚刚超出这些岛屿周边领海范围的海域,但自9月14日以来,中国巡逻船已经五次进入这些岛屿的周边领海,今年以来累计进入次数为八次。日本海上保安厅(Japan Coast Guard)说,2011年中国巡逻船进入这些岛屿周边领海的情况只出现过一次。

The ships have been either China Marine Surveillance, under the State Oceanic Administration, or Fisheries Law Enforcement Command vessels, under the Ministry of Agriculture. They represent two of five non-military Chinese government bodies with maritime law enforcement responsibilities.


Alessio Patalano, lecturer in war studies at King's College London explained that the vessels helped China's goal of creating 'a condition by which their presence there is accepted as a matter of fact.'

伦敦大学国王学院(King's College London)的战争研究学讲师帕塔拉诺(Alessio Patalano)解释说,这些船只在帮助中国实现其一个目标,即创造一种“这些船只在那里的存在被作为一种既定事实加以接受的环境。

'Sovereignty at the sea is at heart about functional rights,' Dr. Patalano said. 'By protecting fishing activities in the area, Chinese law enforcement agencies are providing evidence of the fact that there is a dispute and of the fact that the other party is not in control.'


Chinese boats have also been keen to make a point that their actions are routine and within their mandate.


On Sept. 20, one of the fishery patrol boats sent two people in a rubber dinghy to some Chinese fishing boats in the exclusive-economic zone around the disputed islands.


The JCG communicated that it could not recognize the Chinese boat exercising jurisdiction over the Chinese fishing boats, to which the Chinese vessel replied, 'We are doing our proper duties. Sending sailors (to the fishing boats) and securing safety.'


On Oct. 3, the JCG reported seeing a similar situation.


The moves also come as a summer ban on fishing in the area was lifted last month.


Mr. Yamada said the Chinese ships dispatched near the islands recently are larger and able to stay in the area longer, notably the FLEC ship Yuzheng 310. According to China's state-run news agency, the 2,580-ton boat is the FLEC's most advanced.


Dr. Patalano cautioned, however, about the possibility of the current stalemate escalating in the case of an accident, especially considering that the waters and tides would be getting stronger.


'You have to be very careful because you never know at the public opinion level, what could happen if someone died for whatever reason.'


For the time being it looks like the JCG's 11th Regional Headquarters, that cover the islands, will continue to be busy.



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