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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

AIG is in talks with China’s PICC Group over a potential joint venture to sell life and other insurance products across the country as the US company looks to increase its exposure to growth markets.

美国国际集团(AIG)正与中国人民保险集团公司(PICC Group,简称:中国人保)就成立合资企业事宜进行会谈。AIG希望通过该合资企业在中国销售人寿保险和其他保险产品,扩大自身在成长型市场的业务。

The US group’s main business, Chartis, is a property and casualty insurer that is concentrated on US and European markets where growth opportunities are limited.


AIG, which is also investing $500m in the Hong Kong listing of PICC, said it had signed a non-binding proposal to establish a joint venture, with discussions to last for up to six months.


If no agreement is reached by May 31, AIG is free to sell its cornerstone stake in PICC. If a deal is struck, which would include agreements on re-insurance and other co-


operation, AIG would not sell more than 25 per cent of its PICC holding without the Chinese company’s consent for five years.


AIG renamed its general insurance business Chartis in an attempt to restore its reputation after the group’s spectacular near-collapse at the height of the financial crisis in 2010, which led to it receiving a world-record $180bn bailout from the US government.

Chartis 2011年的年报显示,目前该公司50%的业务来自美国市场,17%的业务来自欧洲市常这意味着,该公司有逾三分之二的业务位于成熟、低增长的市常

Chartis gets 50 per cent of its business from the US and a further 17 per cent from Europe, according to its 2011 annual report, meaning more than two-thirds of its operations are in mature, low-growth markets.


General insurance as a business is highly correlated with wider economic conditions because when activity at companies declines they buy less insurance, so static or declining gross domestic product has a direct impact on a group such as Chartis.

AIG持有在香港上市的中国人民财产保险股份有限公司(PICC Property and Casualty) 9.9%的股份,该公司是中国人保旗下经营一般保险业务的公司。此外,AIG目前仍持有泛亚洲寿险公司友邦保险(AIA) 14%的股份,后者在2010年于港交所(HHEx)上市之前曾是AIG的全资子公司。

AIG owns 9.9 per cent of PICC Property and Casualty, the Hong Kong-listed general insurance subsidiary of PICC Group. It also still holds 14 per cent of AIA, the pan-Asia life insurer that it used to own outright until the company listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange in 2010.


PICC Group, which is China’s biggest general insurer and fifth-biggest life insurer by premiums, has 17 cornerstone investors in total taking $1.85bn worth of stock in its planned $3.6bn listing.

AIG是其中认购股份最多的基石投资者,紧随其后的国家电网(State Grid),后者已承诺认购中国人保价值3亿美元的股份。其他基石投资者大多为中资企业,包括中国出口信用保险公司(Sinosure)以及中国人保的竞争对手中国人寿(China Life)——这两家公司的认购额均为1亿美元。

AIG is the largest investor followed by State Grid, the Chinese electricity network, which has pledged to buy $300m of stock. Most of the other cornerstones are Chinese companies, including export and credit insurer Sinosure and rival life company China Life, each of which is investing $100m.

认购中国人保股份的其他保险公司包括:中国再保险集团(China Reinsurance)、法国再保险公司(SCOR)、日本保险公司“东京海上(Tokio Marine)、以及Russian Insurance。

Other insurance companies investing in the deal include China Reinsurance, French reinsurer Scor, Tokio Marineof Japan and Russian Insurance.


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