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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Audiences continued to line up for 'The Dark Knight Rises,' even as the North American box office slowed amid competition from summer Olympics coverage and the aftermath of the recent shootings in an Aurora, Colo., theater.

受伦敦夏季奥运会以及前不久美国科罗拉多州奥罗拉市影院枪击惨案的影响,北美票房收入不尽人意,但观众仍为一睹《黑暗骑士崛起》(The Dark Knight Rises)而排队购票。

Comic-book adaptation 'Dark Knight Rises' from Time Warner Inc.'s TWX +1.64% Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Entertainment, earned $64.1 million from 4,404 locations in the U.S. and Canada its second weekend out, according to early estimates. This brings the cumulative gross of director Christopher Nolan's third and final Batman film to $289.1 million.

根据漫画改编的《黑暗骑士崛起》由时代华纳公司(Time Warner Inc.)旗下华纳兄弟影业(Warner Bros. Pictures)与好莱坞电影制作公司传奇影业(Legendary Entertainment)共同制作。据初步估计,该片在上映后的第二个周末从美国和加拿大4,404家影院共吸金6,410万美元,使得该片的累计票房达到2.891亿美元。《黑暗骑士崛起》是导演克里斯托·诺兰(Christopher Nolan)执导的蝙蝠侠系列影片的第三部也是终结篇。

The gross represented a 60% drop from last week's earnings, roughly in line with other blockbuster openings. The previous installment in the Batman series dropped a less-steep 53% during its second weekend, in 2010.


Warner Bros. declined to comment about the box-office results. The studio also declined to comment last week, citing its desire to respect the victims of the shootings. The attack, at a midnight screening of 'Dark Knight Rises' early July 20, left 12 dead and 58 injured.


This weekend's new releases fared less well. 'The Watch,' a comedy starring Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn as members of a neighborhood patrol, grossed a disappointing $13 million from 3,168 locations. The film was released by Twentieth Century Fox, which, like The Wall Street Journal, is owned by News Corp. NWSA +3.50%

在刚刚过去这个周末新上映的影片票房成绩普遍不理想。由本·斯蒂勒(Ben Stiller)和文斯·沃恩 (Vince Vaughn)饰演社区巡逻队员的喜剧片《新邻里联防》(The Watch)在3,168家影院上映,票房成绩令人失望,只有1,300万美元。该片由20世纪福克斯电影公司(Twentieth Century Fox)出品。与《华尔街日报》一样,该电影公司也隶属于资讯集团(News Corp.)。

'Step Up Revolution,' from Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.'s LGF +1.87% Summit Entertainment, grossed a lower-than-expected $11.8 million from 2,567 theaters. The fourth film in the 'Step Up' dance franchise, the 3-D 'Revolution' appealed primarily to females, who made up 64% of the audience, and those under the age of 34, who made up 83% of the audience.

狮门影业公司(Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.)出品的《舞出真我4》(Step Up Revolution)从2,567家影院获得了1,180万美元的票房,低于预期。这部3D影片是街舞系列电影的第四部,主要吸引的是女性和年龄在34岁以下的观众,这两部分人群占观影者的比例分别是64%和83%。

Weekend box office receipts were down overall compared with the same period last year. Distribution executives cited both fallout from the Aurora shootings and the start of the Summer Olympics in London as likely explanations for the softness.



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