Samsung Electronics Co. accused Apple Inc. of violating three Samsung patents as the high-stakes patent trial between the companies continues its second phase.
三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)和苹果公司(Apple Inc.)之间涉及巨额赔偿的专利战进入第二阶段:三星反诉苹果侵犯了其三项专利。
Samsung lawyers called Woodward Yang, a professor at Harvard University, to make a case that Apple's mobile devices infringed a series of patents covering email, photo albums and playing music on mobile devices.
三星的辩护律师请来哈佛大学(Harvard University)教授Woodward Yang出庭,试图证明苹果的移动产品侵犯了三星拥有的涉及电子邮件、相册和在移动产品上播放音乐等一系列专利。
Among them, Mr. Yang discussed videos that showed how music plays in the background of the iPhone, how photos can be placed into an email and how photographs can easily be scrolled through on the devices.
Woodward Yang播放了几段视频,视频显示了音乐如何在iPhone后台播放、照片如何被放到电子邮件中以及如何能在iPhone上轻松翻看照片等。
Mr. Yang is the fourth witness Samsung has called as it attempts to both prove that Apple infringed its patents and defend against the Cupertino company's claims that it had done the same. Apple rested its case Monday, and Samsung began presenting its own case later that day.
Woodward Yang是三星请来的第四位证人。三星目前试图证明,一方面苹果侵犯了自己的专利,另一方面它也在为苹果称自己侵权的指控进行辩护。周一,苹果结束了对三星侵权的举证,而当天晚些时候,三星又把苹果告上了法庭。
Apple sued Samsung last year after several high-level meetings between the two companies in which Apple told Samsung it believed the South Korean tech company's products were copying its own. The two companies have since locked horns in courtrooms around the world, attempting to slow one another's sales or take some share of their profits.
For its part, Apple has claimed Samsung should pay $2.5 billion for its actions.
In Apple's cross-examination of Mr. Yang, the iPhone maker said that Samsung did not claim to be producing devices that use two of the patents it asserted against Apple. Those patents cover photo albums and inserting photos into emails.
苹果在法庭上对Woodward Yang进行交叉盘问时说,三星以前并没有主张所生产的产品使用到它指控苹果侵权专利中的两项专利。这些专利涉及相册和把照片放进电子邮件中。
Apple also played the deposition of Jeong-Seok Oh, a Samsung designer who had been credited with inventing the technology behind one of the patents, who said he had prepared documents for the patent but they had subsequently been 'discarded.'
Park Jae-Hee/ Press图片:苹果与三星的专利纷争在三星诉苹果侵权的这几项专利中,其中有一项专利的技术发明曾一度被认为要归功于三星的设计师吴晶锡(Jeong-Seok Oh)。苹果在法庭上播放了他的宣誓作证视频。他说,自己曾准备过申请专利的资料,但后来这些资料并没有被采用。
The video deposition may play a role in the issue of instructions that will be given to the jury before they begin deliberations. They are expected to inform the jury that Samsung had failed to stop evidence from being destroyed, while leaving it to jurors to decide the importance of the company's actions.
Samsung also brought Clifton Forlines, a software developer, to the stand. Mr. Forlines had created software applications for a device called the 'DiamondTouch,' a table-top touchscreen computer that Samsung discussed at length at the end of Monday's proceedings.
三星还请来了软件工程师福尔林兹(Clifton Forlines)出庭作证。福尔林兹曾为一款名为“DiamondTouch的桌面式触摸屏电脑开发过软件程序。在周一庭审结束前,三星详细阐述了该电脑的情况。
Samsung brought up the DiamondTouch to help prove to the jury that Apple did not invent the technology behind its patents, effectively attempting to invalidate them. Mr. Forlines further discussed two applications he created about eight years ago for the device. One of those applications allows people to zoom in and out of an image in a similar way Web pages, photos and maps can be zoomed in and out of on the iPhone today.
Apple argued that the applications don't work in the same way, and that the technology behind the DiamondTouch is different from its own.
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