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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Two Chinese private equity funds are closing in on a deal to buy the asset management arm of Dexia, highlighting the interest of Asian buyers in European financial assets as banks look to restructure in the wake of the financial crisis.


If the sale of the business for about €500m is completed, it would mark the last stage of a break-up of the twice-bailed-out Belgo-French bank, one of the biggest European victims of successive financial crises during the past four years.


Hony Capital, a Chinese private equity group, has teamed up with GCS Capital, a fund founded by former investment banker Guocang Huan, to buy the business, which has about €80bn under management and clients in 25 countries.

中国私募股权集团弘毅投资(Hony Capital)与博华资本(GCS Capital,由前投资银行家宦国苍创立的一家基金)联手收购德克夏资产管理部门,该部门旗下管理着大约800亿欧元资产,客户分布于25个国家。

The two funds have been selected as Dexia’s preferred bidder, according to people familiar with the situation.


One of the people said an agreement in principle was reached in talks in Paris on Wednesday and was set to be signed next week. A second person involved in the talks said the group had offered more than €500m for the unit.


The two buyers plan to provide Chinese investors with a deeper understanding of investment opportunities in Europe in the wake of the financial crisis while developing renminbi products for investors sitting in Europe.


Dexia said in June it was in negotiations with three international investors for the sale of Dexia Asset Management, and expected a deal in the coming weeks. It gave no details.

德克夏在6月曾表示,该行正就出售德克夏资产管理(Dexia Asset Management)事宜,与三家国际投资者举行谈判,预期在未来几周将达成协议。该行当时未提供细节。

People familiar with the matter said New York Life Insurance and Macquarie Group had been among those interested. These companies declined to comment. The sale of DAM will be the last of six Dexia units hived off in a fire sale of assets over the past nine months, which have so far raised €8.7bn.

知情人士称,纽约人寿(New York Life Insurance)和麦格理集团(Macquarie Group)曾在感兴趣的潜在买家之列。这些公司不愿置评。德克夏在过去九个月里抛售资产,迄今筹集了87亿欧元,资产管理部门将是所分拆的六个部门中的最后一个。

The selection of a preferred bidder comes after the departure last month of Jean-Luc Dehaene, chairman, and Pierre Mariani, chief executive, who were brought in to rescue Dexia in 2010 after its first bailout.

选定首选竞标者之前,德克夏董事长让-吕克·德阿纳(Jean-Luc Dehaene)和首席执行官皮埃尔·马里阿尼(Pierre Mariani)上月卸任,这两人是2010年德克夏接受第一次纾困后走马上任的。

Dexia declined to comment.


Meanwhile, Pierre Moscovici, French finance minister, said Paris was close to a deal with the European Commission on last year’s overall €90bn bailout of Dexia by France, Belgium and Luxembourg.

与此同时,法国财长皮埃尔·莫斯科维奇(Pierre Moscovici)表示,巴黎方面接近与欧盟委员会(European Commission)就去年法国、比利时和卢森堡对德克夏总计900亿欧元的纾困达成协议。

The Commission has so far temporarily approved only €55bn of the state guarantees.



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