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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

A former software engineer for Motorola Solutions Inc. was sentenced Wednesday to four years in prison for stealing Motorola trade secrets.

周三,摩托罗拉解决方案(Motorola Solutions Inc.)的一名前软件工程师因窃取摩托罗拉的商业秘密被判处四年徒刑。

Hanjuan Jin, a naturalized U.S. citizen born in China, told a federal judge she was 'so sorry for what happened' and pleaded for a second chance in a barely audible voice and heavily accented English, the Associated Press reported.

据美联社(Associated Press)报道,华裔美国人金汉娟(音)以低得几乎听不清的声音对联邦法官说,她对发生的事感到非常抱歉,并请求法官再给她一次机会。她的英语带有很重的口音。

But U.S. District Judge Ruben Castillo said it was important to send a message that would deter others with access to trade secrets from siphoning off vital information.

不过,美国联邦法官卡斯蒂略(Ruben Castillo)说,有必要释放出一个能够对其他可以接触到商业秘密的人起到震慑作用、防止其窃取重要信息的信号。

'In today's world, the most valuable thing that anyone has is technology . . . The most important thing this country can do is protect its trade secrets,' Judge Castillo said, according to the AP.


Ms. Jin, 41 years old, was fined $20,000 and ordered to remain on home confinement with electronic monitoring until beginning her sentence on Oct. 25.


Ms. Jin was secretly working for Sun Kaisens, a Chinese company that developed telecommunications technology for the Chinese military, according to prosecutors. She was stopped by U.S. customs officials at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport from traveling on a one-way ticket to China on Feb. 28, 2007.

据检方说,金汉娟被拘捕前秘密效力于为中国军方开发电信技术的中国公司阳光凯讯科技公司(Sun Kaisens)。2007年2月28日,她在芝加哥奥黑尔国际机场(O'Hare International Airport)被美国海关人员拦下,当时她正要持单程机票飞往中国。

Officials seized more than 1,000 Motorola documents found in Ms. Jin's possession as she attempted to leave the country.


Officials also recovered classified Chinese military documents that described telecommunications projects for the Chinese military as well as about $30,000 in U.S. currency.


Some of the documents provided a description of a walkie-talkie feature Motorola incorporated into some of its phones.


Ms. Jin was a software engineer for Motorola Inc., now Motorola Solutions Inc., for nine years. She was convicted of three counts of theft of trade secrets in February following a five-day bench trial in November. Judge Castillo found Ms. Jin not guilty of three counts of economic espionage, but he found Ms. Jin was 'willing to betray her naturalized country.'


According to the evidence, Ms. Jin took a medical leave of absence in February 2006, during which she pursued employment with Sun Kaisens. Between November 2006 and February 2007, Ms. Jin returned to China to work for Sun Kaisens on projects for the Chinese military.


When Ms. Jin returned to Motorola in February 2007, she accessed hundreds of technical documents belonging to the company. On Feb. 27, Ms. Jin sent an email to her manager in which she appeared to volunteer for a layoff at the company.



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