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苹果升级版Mac直面Windows 8挑战

发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Appleintroduced an updated suite of Mac computers at a conference for developers in San Francisco, as it made a renewed push to use the iPhone and iPad “halo effect to convert more PC users to its higher-priced hardware.


A new MacBook Pro notebook, touting thinner casing and the same “Retina Display screen used in the latest iPhones and iPad, led a series of upgrades.

新款MacBook Pro笔记本电脑的一系列升级最为耀眼。它拥有更加纤薄的机身,还配备了最新版iPhone和iPad上使用的“Retina Display显示屏。

“Surfing the web can be like experiencing magazine-like quality, said Phil Schiller, head of product marketing, describing the new MacBook Pro, which he said was thinner than his finger. The device will cost $2,200, suggesting it was aimed at the professional market which Apple has been accused of moving away from as it goes more mass-market.

苹果产品营销主管菲利普·席勒(Philip Schiller)在描述新MacBook Pro时称:“使用该产品上网冲浪,能够体验到杂志一样的质感。他说,Macbook Pro比他的手指还保这款电脑售价2200美元,表明它面向的是专业市常一直以来,有人指责苹果把更多精力放在大众市场,抛弃了专业市常

Sir Jonathan Ive, Apple’s recently knighted head of design, said: “It’s without doubt the very best computer we’ve ever built.

最近获得爵士头衔的苹果设计主管乔纳森·艾夫爵士(Sir Jonathan Ive)说:“毫无疑问,这是我们有史以来设计得最棒的电脑。

Existing models of other MacBooks were also given upgraded Intelprocessors, extra storage and more memory.


Apple more commonly makes incremental updates to its laptops without the fanfare of a keynote speech. By making a push around the new devices Apple hopes to sell more of its $1,000-plus computers to new converts to the Mac operating system, ahead of the release of Microsoft’s Windows 8 software.

苹果公司对笔记本产品进行渐进式升级时,通常不会请高管大张旗鼓地发表主题演讲。苹果这次大力宣传新设备,是希望能够在微软发布Windows 8之前,向有意转向Mac操作系统的用户出售更多价格在1000美元以上的电脑。

Customers who buy a new Mac will be eligible for an upgrade to the new Mountain Lion operating system when it is released later this year. At the annual Worldwide Developer conference in San Francisco, Apple detailed the capabilities of the desktop software and iOS6, the next-generation software for its iPad and iPhone.

名为“山狮(Mountain Lion)的新操作系统将于今年晚些时候开始发售,现在购买新款Mac的顾客届时可以升级到新系统。在这场于旧金山举办的年度全球开发者大会上,苹果详细介绍了这款桌面操作系统,以及应用于iPad和iPhone的新一代移动操作系统iOS 6。

Apple also issued new figures for the App Store which suggested the rate of growth is accelerating, as more iPads and iPhones are sold and the store is extended internationally to 155 countries. More than $5bn in revenue – which is split 70 per cent to developers and 30 per cent to Apple – has been paid out to developers in total since the download store launched in mid-2010.

苹果还发布了App Store商店的最新数据。数据表明,随着iPad和iPhone销量增长,App Store进一步国际化,目前已覆盖到155个国家,而且这个应用下载商店的发展速度还在加快。自App Store于2010年中上线以来,用户总计已经向开发者支付了逾50亿美元(其中开发者分得70%,苹果分得30%)。

There are 650,000 apps available in the App Store, up from 600,000 in April, of which 225,000 are dedicated to the iPad.

App Store现有65万款应用,4月份时为60万款。其中22.5万款应用专为iPad开发。

Apple unveiled the new technology to whoops and cheers from adoring developers. Ahead of the keynote, Apple poked fun at rival Samsung with its voice control service Siri, saying it was looking forward to the Korean manufacturer’s new fridge.



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