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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Kofi Annan resigned as United Nations and Arab League envoy to Syria, declaring that the increasing militarisation of the conflict and the lack of Security Council unity no longer made his role effective.

科菲·安南(Kofi Annan)辞去了联合国(United Nations)和阿拉伯联盟(Arab League)叙利亚危机联合特使职务,称这场冲突日趋军事化,加上安理会(Security Council)缺乏团结,使他再也无法有效履行职责。

His resignation on Thursday underlines the growing irrelevance of international peace effortsin the face of a spiralling 17-month conflict that has now gripped the country’s major cities.


“As an envoy, I can’t want peace more than the protagonists, more than the Security Council or the international community for that matter, Mr Annan told reporters. “At a time when we need – when the Syrian people desperately need - action, there continues to be finger-pointing and name-calling in the Security Council.


The former UN secretary general was repeatedly frustrated by the Syrian regime’s intransigence, the disarray of the opposition and the bitter splits between western powers and Russia and China, which have blocked attempts to push for tough action by the Security Council.


In an article for the Financial TimesMr Annan spells out for the first time that a political transition must include the departure of Bashar al-Assad, saying it is clear that the president “must leave office. But he also cautions that the greater focus must be on “the measures and structures that will secure a peaceful transition over the long-term, to avoid a chaotic collapse.

安南在为英国《金融时报》撰写的一篇文章中首次阐明,叙利亚的政治过渡必须包括巴沙尔·阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)下台,表示这名叙利亚总统“必须卸任。但他也告诫称,必须把更大的焦点放在“长期保障和平过渡的各项措施和架构上,以避免混乱的崩溃。

Ban Ki-moon, the UN chief, said on Thursday that Mr Annan had informed him of his intention not to renew his mandate when it expires at the end of August. He added that he and Nabil Elaraby, the secretary general of the Arab League, were in discussions about appointing a successor.

联合国秘书长潘基文(Ban Ki-moon)周四表示,安南已知会他,在8月底委任书到期时无意续任。他补充说,他与阿盟秘书长纳比勒·阿拉比(Nabil Elaraby)正就任命一名继任者进行讨论。

Mr Annan’s departure will be met with relief by Syria’s rebels and opposition activists, many of whom charge that he was too soft on the regime.


But it will raise the pressure on the UN Security Council whose five permanent members held on to the Annan mission as a semblance of international commitment to end the bloodshed.


In his FT article, Mr Annan explains that while “transition means a managed but full change of government – a change in who leads Syria and how, the burden is on all sides – the regime, the opposition, and their outside supporters - to bring an end to the crisis.


“A political process is difficult if not impossible while all sides – within and without Syria – see opportunity to advance their narrow agendas by military means, he writes. “International division means support for proxy agendas and the fuelling of violent competition on the ground.


Mr Annan’s resignation came as the UN General Assembly prepared to vote on Friday on an Arab -sponsored resolution deploring the UN Security Council’s failure to act on Syria and calling for Mr Assad’s departure. UK Prime Minister David Cameron yesterday also pressed Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, to shift his support for Mr Assad. The two leaders met before watching the judo competition at the Olympics.

安南辞职之际,联合国大会(UN General Assembly)正准备在周五就阿拉伯国家支持的一个决议案举行投票,该决议案批评联合国安理会未能对叙利亚采取行动,并呼吁阿萨德下台。

英国首相戴维·卡梅伦(David Cameron)昨日还敦促俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)改变支持阿萨德的立常两位领导人在观看奥运会柔道比赛之前会晤。


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