Hewlett-Packardhas been plunged into an accounting scandal over its 2011 acquisition of Autonomy, the UK-based enterprise software company, after writing down $8.8bn in the value of the $11bn deal.
The struggling US technology conglomerate has alleged that “serious accounting improprieties at the British software company were responsible for more than $5bn of the writedown.
Meg Whitman, chief executive, said information provided by a member of Autonomy’s management team after founder Mike Lynch was fired in May had prompted an internal investigation. This revealed improprieties, “disclosure failures and outright misrepresentations at Autonomy, which occurred before the acquisition.
惠普首席执行官梅格·惠特曼(Meg Whitman)表示,Autonomy管理层之一在创始人迈克·林奇(Mike Lynch) 5月被炒之后提供的信息,促使惠普展开一次内部调查。调查显示,在被惠普收购之前,Autonomy就存在违反会计准则的行为,“披露不到位、以及彻底的不实陈述。
Mr Lynch, who left HP after Autonomy missed budget forecasts by a wide margin, denied the allegations and accused HP of mismanaging his former company since the deal.
“The figures are just mad. Things would have to have gone pretty badly to justify writing down $8.8bn, he said in an interview with the FT. “It is utterly untrue. We reject this as utterly wrong. Everything we did we gave correctly to the auditors and was correctly noted by the auditors.
HP has submitted its findings to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s enforcement division and the Serious Fraud Office in the UK and will take legal action to try to recoup money for shareholders.
惠普已将调查结果呈交美国证监会(SEC)执法部门以及英国严重欺诈办公室(Serious Fraud Office,简称SFO),并将采取法律行动、试图为股东们要回一些钱。
Its shares fell nearly 12 per cent to $11.72 on the news – their lowest in a decade – by midday in New York.
HP said no red flags were raised when due diligence was carried out by Deloitte and KPMG. “Neither of them saw what we now see after someone came forward to point us in the right direction, said Ms Whitman.
She declined to comment whether legal redress would be pursued against the accounting firms. Some of Silicon Valley’s most influential advisers were lined up behind the deal, with Frank Quattrone, the tech sector’s best-known dealmaker, working for Autonomy alongside an extended group of banks that included Goldman Sachs, UBS, Citibank, JPMorgan and Bank of America. Perella Weinberg and Barclays advised HP.
惠特曼拒绝透露是否会对两家会计师事务所采取法律行动。硅谷一些最有影响力的咨询顾问当初为惠普收购Autonomy的交易提供了咨询。科技行业最著名的交易撮合者弗兰克·奎特隆(Frank Quattrone)以及高盛(Goldman Sachs)、瑞银(UBS)、花旗银行(Citibank)、摩根大通(JPMorgan)、美国银行(Bank of America)等多家银行为Autonomy提供咨询。普望(Perella Weinberg)和巴克莱(Barclays)为惠普提供咨询。
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