EU trade authorities are to open a formal investigation today into Chinese solar panel manufacturers, according to people familiar with the matter.
The investigation will examine whether or not the companies violated trade rules by dumping their products, or selling them below cost, on the EU market. Depending on the outcome, it could result in punitive tariffs being imposed on the Chinese products.
The case has moved to the top of the EU-China agenda, embodying growing trade tensions.
In a sign of its political importance, Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, promised her Chinese hosts in Beijing last week that she would prefer that it be resolved through dialogue, rather than investigation.
上周,德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)向北京的东道主做出了具有重要政治意义的表示:她更希望通过对话而不是调查解决争端。
EU trade officials have indicated that they are constrained by the bloc’s laws, which require them to open an investigation if a complaint satisfies certain -criteria.
Beijing has hinted that it could retaliate by launching probes into EU exports of polysilicon, the basic material used to construct photovoltaic cells.
The complaint was filed in July by Germany’s SolarWorld. It accused Chinese rivals of using illegal government support to lower prices and dominate the EU market.
Under EU trade rules, the commission has 45 days to decide whether to proceed to a formal investigation.
The case has proved divisive within the EU solar industry, with companies that install panels complaining that punishing Chinese imports would push up their costs and ultimately cost European jobs.
EU companies that have sold machinery to China to produce photovoltaic cells have also expressed misgivings.
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