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发布时间:2019-10-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Is this promise the Holy Grail for dieters? Eat as much as you want and still keep on losing weight? Can you believe it - after all these years of gurus advocating abstinence in some form or another? Here are two secrets I can share with you. First, eat mainly low GI foods (LGI) and second, eat as much of them as you can in preference to high GI (HGI) foods.


High GI foods are energy-dense and release their energy quickly so you feel hungrier sooner. Low GI foods are less energy-dense and release their energy slowly so you feel satisfied for longer. Leeds University researchers have found that bigger portions (rather than smaller) of "lower energy-dense" foods, such as vegetables, lean meat and rice, made participants feel less hungry, despite consuming fewer calories.


Consequently, they lost almost twice as much weight as people following a diet of only 1,400 calories per day. For 14 weeks, the study group followed a Slimming World eating plan of low energy-dense foods, including fruit, vegetables, lean meat, fish, pasta, rice, pulses, eggs and fat-free dairy products, while attending weekly weigh-in groups.

因此,他们的减重量几乎是每天饮食只摄入1400卡人群的两倍。14周以来,研究小组都在遵循瘦身世界(Slimming World)的低能量密度食物的饮食计划,包括水果、蔬菜、瘦肉、鱼、意大利面、米饭、豆类、鸡蛋和无脂乳制品,同时每周进行称重。

A control group followed an NHS diet restricting calories to 1,400 calories a day, plus online advice and a support forum. The Slimming World group lost on average 5.8kg, compared with 3.3kg for the calorie counters. Importantly, the Slimming World group reported that they felt more in control of their food choices, and were more motivated to continue.


Nicola Buckland, lead researcher, said: "A lot of people give up on diets because they feel hungry between meals. Our research shows that eating low energy-dense foods can help overcome that problem.

首席研究员尼古拉·巴克兰(Nicola Buckland)说道:"很多人都会放弃节食,因为他们会在两餐之间感到饥饿。我们的研究表明:吃低能量的饮食有助于解决这一问题。"

"Gram for gram, low energy-dense foods contain fewer calories than high energy-dense foods, so people are able to eat a larger volume of food for the same, or lower, calorie intake, leading them to feel much fuller."



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