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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Saudi Arabia is on course for a showdown with its fellow Opec members at this week’s meeting of the global oil cartel, after it called for a higher output target despite the recent drop in crude prices.


“Our analysis suggests that we will need a higher ceiling than currently exists, Ali Naimi, Saudi Arabia’s oil minister, said in an interview with the Gulf Oil Review.

沙特石油部长阿里·纳伊米(Ali Naimi)在接受《海湾石油评论》(Gulf Oil Review)采访时表示,“我们的分析似乎表明,我们将需要提高目前的产量上限。

Oil prices have fallen sharply over recent months, from a four-year high of $128 a barrel in March to about $100 amid concern about the eurozone debt crisis and the slowdown in the global economy.


Fellow Opec member Iran has blamed Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates for the price drop, accusing them of producing too much oil.


Opec, which supplies 40 per cent of the world’s crude oil, normally responds to a sharp drop in prices by curbing production. However, Saudi Arabia’s current policy objective is to prevent crude rising much higher than $100 a barrel, in order to mitigate the risks that high oil prices pose to the global economy.


Opec has an official daily production ceiling of 30m barrels. But it has been producing much more than that in recent months, in part to cushion the impact of US and EU efforts to impose sanctions on Iranian oil exports because of the latter’s nuclear programme.


According to Opec’s oil market reports, the group’s monthly crude output has exceeded 31m barrels per day for much of this year.


Some Gulf producers now want to raise the official ceiling closer to current production levels. Saudi Arabia is driving the increase. It supplied the market with 9.9m b/d in May – the highest level this year, according to the Gulf Oil Review.


The ramp up appears to be part of a Saudi strategy to bring prices down, after they surged earlier this year. In a column in the Financial Times in March, Mr Naimi said Saudi Arabia would like to see a lower price “that will not hurt the global economic recovery.


In early May, he told reporters it was vital “to get prices around $100 [per barrel]. The statements were unusual in that Saudi Arabia is often reluctant to divulge a preferred price level.


Mr Naimi added then that Saudi production had “acted as a type of stimulus to the European and world economy.



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