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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The Brics nations announced late on Monday that they would begin a process to build a financial safety net, creating a joint pool of reserves to be used if any country faces sudden capital flight.


Based on the Chiang Mai initiative between Asian countries, the proposal between Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, would go far beyond existing agreements between the five emerging economies.

巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非达成的这项提议,以亚洲国家之间的清迈倡议(Chiang Mai initiative)为基础,远远超出这五个新兴经济体现有协议的覆盖范围。

Work on the initiative has already begun with the aim of an agreement at the 2013 Brics summit and demonstrates the concern among strong emerging economies that they will feel the cold winds of contagion from a deepening eurozone crisis. The size of the proposed safety net is expected to be announced on Tuesday.


Guido Mantega, Brazil’s finance minister, said the Brics nations were strengthening their financial integration to underscore the faith investors should have in their economies and the move should also improve global confidence. “By creating financial solidarity among us, we will be even safer and stronger than we already are, Mr Mantega said.

巴西财长吉多·曼特加(Guido Mantega)表示,金砖国家正在加强金融一体化,以支撑投资者对这些经济体应当具备的信心,此举还应当有助于提高全球信心。“通过在我们之间创建金融团结,我们将比现在更安全、更强大,曼特加表示。

Separately Anton Siluanov, Russia finance minister, told the Financial Times on Monday that the country was setting aside €40bn to shore up the economy in case the eurozone crisis escalated further.

俄罗斯财长安东·西卢安诺夫(Anton Siluanov)周一在另一个场合对英国《金融时报》表示,该国正划拨400亿欧元,用于在欧元区危机进一步升级的情况下提振本国经济。

A statement from the Brics nations said the five had discussed swap arrangements between their currencies as well as a pooling of reserves. The move goes further than previous initiatives to create a joint development bank between the Brics nations.


China and Japan are the two biggest contributors to the Chiang Mai initiative, a pan-Asian network of bilateral currency swap agreements that grew out of the regional financial crisis of the late 1990s.


The Brics nations also confirmed that they would contribute to a recapitalisation of the International Monetary Fund and would announce the precise sums they have offered on Tuesday. Expectations at the Group of 20 summit in Los Cabos were that the G20 would announce that the total additional sums pledged to the IMF would be higher than the $430bn agreed in April.

金砖国家还证实,它们将为国际货币基金组织(IMF)的资本重组贡献资金,并将在周二宣布各自的具体贡献金额。在墨西哥洛斯卡沃斯(Los Cabos)举行的20国集团(G20)峰会上,各方的预期是,G20将宣布,各方承诺向IMF贡献的额外资金总额,将高于4月份商定的4300亿美元。

With the US not participating in the latest recapitalisation, the Brics nations insisted that the strings attached to their promises had more to do with gaining influence in international financial institutions.


“It’s going to be the first time the fund is capitalised without the US, which reflects the importance of emerging markets, Mexican president Felipe Calderón said at the weekend.

“这将是国际货币基金组织首次在美国不参与的情况下得到注资,这反映出新兴市场的重要性,墨西哥总统费利佩·卡尔德龙(Felipe Calderón)在上周末表示。

Mr Mantega made it clear, however, that the promises of additional funding were tied to “an understanding that the reforms of the fund’s quotas, which will result in a greater voting power for emerging countries, will be implemented according to the timetable agreed by the G20 in 2010. At the moment, many powerful economies, including the US, have not ratified the 2010 agreement.



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