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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Last year, a colleague saw me violently throwing out a stack of invitations and murmuring to nobody in particular, 'Please stop inviting me to things.' She found this funny, but I wasn't joking.


Everyone is talking about 'The 'Busy' Trap,' an article that ran in the New York Times last weekend. The story, by author Tim Kreider, currently has 813 comments, was the most emailed article on NYTimes.com through yesterday, has been tweeted thousands of times, and shared by almost everybody I know on Facebook.

大家都在讨论最近刊登在《纽约时报》(New York Times)上的一篇文章“忙碌陷阱(The ‘Busy’ Trap),作者是蒂姆·克雷德(Tim Kreider)。该文已有813条评论,是《纽约时报》网站NYTimes.com到昨天为止通过电子邮件转发最多的文章,在推特上传播了数千次,我在脸谱(Facebook)上的几乎每个朋友也都分享了这篇文章。

'Trust me, you're not too busy to read this,' wrote one of my friends. 'I don't care how busy you are─take a few minutes and read this,' wrote another. On Slate, Hanna Rosin tied the kerfuffle over the newest 'B' word to the other Big Debate over whether or not women can have it all. (Spoiler alert: they cannot, and neither can men.)

我的一个朋友这样写道,“相信我,你再忙也该去看看。另一个朋友说,“我才不管你有多忙,花几分钟读一读。在网络杂志《Slate》上,女权主义者汉娜·罗森(Hanna Rosin)把“忙碌陷阱与“女性能否拥有一切这一全民大讨论相提并论。(温馨


In the aftermath of 'The 'Busy' Trap,' it seems that telling somebody that you're really busy is some kind of horrific humble brag, a statement that only self-involved people who lack any perspective or inner life would say. But I think that this misses the point, which is that telling somebody that you are really busy remains the only socially acceptable way to avoid events hosted by people you aren't that into.


I mean, what are you supposed to say? 'Uh, sorry, but I have no interest in hanging out?'


Even assuming that you don't loathe the people who are asking you to hang out, if you start making too many plans with them, all of a sudden─voilà!─you become busy, overscheduled and overwhelmed. So saying 'I'm too busy' is, ironically, an extremely effective and non-confrontational way to protect oneself from becoming too busy. The 'B' word, at least until everybody started talking about the 'Busy Trap' this week, was once a secret shield, a beautiful (and somewhat true) white lie to create some personal, private space in a chaotic world.


In that sense, I agree with Mr. Kreider. Taking time to relax and unwind is extremely important for nurturing one's creativity. 'History is full of stories of inspirations that come in idle moments and dreams,' he says.


The problem is, 'I'm spending time at home idly seeking inspiration,' is not, for whatever reason, an acceptable answer to the question 'Why can't you hang out tonight?'


Mr. Kreider relays the story of a friend who, when asked if he wanted to get together this week, responded that he didn't have a lot of time to escape work, but suggested that Mr. Kreider ping him if something was going on. His busy-ness 'was like some vast churning noise through which he was shouting out at me, and I gave up trying to shout back over it,' he wrote. I couldn't help but wonder: Maybe having him give up was the friend's objective. Or perhaps the friend just wanted to hang out at home with his significant other and watch back episodes of 'The Real Housewives of New York City' on DVR but was too embarrassed to admit it.

克雷德在文中提到,他问一个朋友这周想不想聚一聚,那个朋友说工作太忙,等有什么有趣的事再通知他。克雷德写道,“他的忙碌就像震耳欲聋的噪音,他透过这噪音对我喊话,而我已经放弃回应。我不由自主地这样想:也许让他放弃回应正是那个朋友的目的所在。也许那个朋友只想在家跟自己的另一半共度时光,看一集电视剧《纽约娇妻》(The Real Housewives of New York City)的光碟,只是不好意思跟他直说。

It's also true that saying 'I'm crazy busy' in response to the typical 'how's it going?' question has become a major cliché. Let's face it: Everyone is busy to some extent or another, particularly in a big city like New York. Talking about how busy you are is idle banter about one intimacy grade above talking about the weather, and probably less useful. But it's also a convenient, non-personal topic that everyone can relate to, a sort of verbal tic that people can spew when they're bored, tired, or not interested in telling the truth about how it is really going. Because, when it's not going well, 'busy' is beautifully unassailable.


For Tim Kreider, fleeing to an undisclosed location, where he says he wrote 'The 'Busy' Trap,' was the only solution to the inexorable doom spiral of busy-ness. For me, a reporter at a daily newspaper in a major metropolitan area (a region, I might add where my parents, sister, cousins and best friends from high school, college and graduate school also happen to live) going to an undisclosed location unfortunately isn't a long-term solution.


So what should I do to carve out more idleness? I asked a therapist recently who advised me to just tell people I am too busy.


But if you have any better ideas, I'm not too busy to hear them.



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