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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Sometimes things look so easy. Take a beautiful Italian lakeside town in the tranquil days of late summer, a gaggle of top politicians, financiers and economists, a central banker that keeps his promises and all of a sudden Europe's problems look less daunting.


Reality is a lot less rosy, but for a while last week there appeared to be light -- better, Italian sunshine -- at the end of the euro-zone tunnel.


World leaders like Shimon Peres, Israel's president, super Eurocrats such as Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council, and assorted captains of industry, had gathered here on the shore of Lake Como for an annual symposium on the global economy -- like Davos but with better coffee. But on Thursday, most eyes and ears were on Frankfurt. The European Central Bank didn't disappoint, delivering plans to buy unlimited quantities of bonds of troubled euro-zone countries to try to curb their borrowing costs.

以色列总统佩雷斯(Shimon Peres)等国家领导人、欧盟理事会(European Council)主席范龙佩(Herman Van Rompuy)等欧洲重量级官员以及诸多企业领袖云集意大利科莫湖畔的切尔诺比奥,参加一个世界经济年会。这个年会跟达沃斯(Davos)相仿,不过咖啡要好一些。但上周四,人们的目光却主要投向了法兰克福。欧洲央行(European Central Bank)没有让人失望,推出了无限量购买陷入困境的欧元区成员国债券的计划,试图以此遏制这些国家的借贷成本。

Once investors realized that Mario Draghi, the ECB president, had been true to his word, stocks rallied, Spanish and Italian bond yields fell and, in a true sign of appreciation, traders started referring to the new measures by their acronym: 'OMT,' for Outright Monetary Transactions.

当投资者意识到欧洲央行行长德拉吉(Mario Draghi)兑现了自己的承诺时,股市大涨,西班牙和意大利债券收益率也有所下跌。在提到“完全货币交易(Outright Monetary Transactions)这个新举措时,交易员开始用其首字母缩略词OMT来代替,这是外界对措施表示赞许的真正信号。

Grazie, Mario. Now what?


All the 17 members of the euro zone need to do, according to the Cernobbio crowd, is to use the time bought by Mr. Draghi's move to further integrate their economies, banking sectors and political systems.


That's right. Europe's financial and corporate elite are resting their hopes for preservation of the common currency on the far-fetched idea of a leap forward in the continent's sluggish march toward unification.


Investors who have hit the 'buy' button since Thursday would do well to remember: The monetary authorities have taken the rescue plan as far as they could, sacrificing their balance sheet and unanimity (Germany's Bundesbank opposed the OMT). Now -- and this is the bad news -- it is up to politicians and Brussels types to do the rest.


Cassandra-in-chief Nouriel Roubini put it best: 'Europe needs more integration, namely a banking union, a fiscal union, an economic union and more political integration.'

预言家鲁比尼(Nouriel Roubini)一语中的:欧洲需要更多融合,也就是建立统一的银行联盟、财政联盟和经济联盟,以及实现更大程度的政治融合。

Even the normally guarded Italian President Giorgio Napolitano jumped on the United States-of-Europe bandwagon with a passionate plea Saturday for a 'true political union.'

就连通常小心谨慎的意大利总统纳波利塔诺(Giorgio Napolitano)也开始支持建立“欧罗巴合众国的想法。上周六,他热情地鼓吹建立一个“真正的政治联盟。

Estimating the odds and timetable for a European fiscal, economic and political union is a fool's errand. I would simply note that each of those requires politicians to give up powers many of them -- and many of their voters -- regard as sacrosanct. More integration also would need to overcome what Mr. Roubini calls 'austerity fatigue' among citizens of countries like Greece, Spain and Italy, and its mirror sentiment, 'bailout fatigue' among German and Nordic voters. By comparison, a banking union may seem easier, but it is no piece of tiramisu.


Since the onset of the euro crisis, Europe's financial system has become more Balkanized, with banks retreating behind national borders under pressure from national regulators.


The watchdogs' goal is understandable: At a fragile time, it is in their interest to discourage international banks from moving money away from their domestic bases. The problem is that when every national regulator follows this path, the overall European economy is starved of credit.


'These measures all try to solve individual parts of the puzzle, but the repercussions on other parts are negative,' said Enrico Tommaso Cucchiani, chief executive of Intesa Sanpaolo SpA, a large Italian bank with extensive operations in Eastern and Central Europe. 'They translate into less funds available for the rest of the economy.'

意大利大型银行Intesa Sanpaolo SpA首席执行长Enrico Tommaso Cucchiani说,这些措施都试图解决问题的局部,但对其他部分却会产生负面影响;它们会造成经济体的其他部分能够获得的资金减少。该行在东欧和中欧有着广泛的业务。

Mr. Cucchiani actually believes that the ECB has noticed the counterproductive effects of banks' forced retreat and will try to mitigate it. Even if he is right, the removal of de facto capital controls won't, by itself, lead to a banking union. Supporters of the idea counter that plans, likely to be unveiled this week, to give the ECB the power to supervise some 6,000 banks will be an important step toward that goal.


That would be right were it not for two fundamental flaws. The first is political: The plan has come under fire from the German government, which wants to keep control over its regional banks, so it is likely to be diluted. And the second is structural: The current proposal is silent on both a Europe-wide deposit insurance fund and on procedures to wind down failing lenders -- two crucial ingredients of any banking union.


Once the markets are done celebrating Super Mario, they ought to make sure the OMT doesn't quickly turn into OMG.



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