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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Why do people get angrier about some corporate scandals than others? Barclays’ attempted Libor manipulation was disgraceful, but GlaxoSmithKline’s behaviour was surely far worse.


Barclays traders tried to subvert the London interbank offered rate and Euribor, its continental European equivalent. Given that many financial contracts rely on these as benchmarks, this could have had serious consequences, although no one is quite sure who suffered.


By contrast the victims of GSK’s crimes are clear: the children whose doctors prescribed Paxil, an antidepressant, while GSK hid research that showed the drug caused suicidal feelings and behaviour in some minors who took it.


The details are startling. The US prosecutors alleged that GSK had taken doctors on luxury trips where a child psychiatrist extolled Paxil’s benefits. GSK had a journal article published that deliberately underplayed the dangers. It also attempted to mislead the Food and Drug Administration about how many adolescents had injured or attempted to kill themselves after taking Paxil in research trials.


For these and charges related to other drugs, GSK this month pleaded guilty and agreed to pay $3bn to settle its criminal and civil liabilities.


It was the biggest healthcare fraud settlement in US history and nearly seven times as much as Barclays had to pay for its Libor shenanigans. Yet there have been no televised parliamentary grillings of GSK’s bosses, its chief executive has not had to resign and there has been little public fuss.


Why not? One reason is that most of the misbehaviour took place until 2003, five years before Sir Andrew Witty was appointed GSK chief executive. He has overhauled the US operations, replaced managers and ended the link between sales staff’s incentives and prescription volumes.

这是为什么?原因之一是,GSK的多数不当行为发生在2003年之前,而在5年后的2010年,安德鲁·维迪爵士(Sir Andrew Witty)才被任命为GSK的首席执行官。维迪爵士大幅调整了美国业务,撤换了管理人员,公司对销售人员的奖励也不再与处方量挂钩。

Also, unlike banks, pharmaceutical companies have not brought the world to the edge of financial ruin.


Yet other banking scandals have failed to rouse the same level of outrage as the Libor business, even though, once again, the victims were easily identified. At about the same time as the Libor revelations, the UK Financial Services Authority announced that Barclays, along with HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group and the Royal Bank of Scotland, had mis-sold interest rate hedging products to small and medium-sized businesses.

然而,其他银行业丑闻也没有像Libor操纵案那样引起那么大的公愤,尽管在Libor操纵案中,人们又一次轻松地找到了受害者。几乎就在Libor操纵案曝光的同时,英国金融服务管理局(FSA)宣布,巴克莱、汇丰(HSBC)、劳埃德银行集团(Lloyds Banking Group)和苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland)向中小企业不当销售利率对冲产品。

This followed the payment protection insurance scandal in the UK, which has been replicated in the US. Capital One Financialwas this month ordered to refund $140m to customers who had been charged for payment protection insurance without being asked if they wanted it, or misled into buying it as protection against disability or unemployment even though they were already disabled or unemployed and could not claim on it.

在此之前,英国爆发了支付保护险(payment protection insurance)丑闻,美国也爆发了同样的丑闻。美国第一资本金融公司(Capital One Financial)本月被勒令向客户退还1.4亿美元资金。这些客户中,有些人在不知情的情况下被第一资本金融代为购买了支付保护险,有些人受到第一资本金融误导、为防范残疾或失业购买了该险种(尽管他们当时已经处在残疾或失业状态、因而无权购买该险种)。

Why was there so much more outrage over Libor than over any of this? Is it because newspapers devoted more space to Libor than to other banking scandals or to mis-sold medicine? Partly (although they were all fully reported in this publication), but then news organisations provide their customers with what they feel will interest them.


One reason why people were so infuriated by the Libor affair was that it uncovered an insiders’ secret world. The same was true of two other UK scandals, over members of parliament’s expenses and tabloid journalists’ phone hacking.


In all three cases, malpractice was flagrant. Barclays’ Libor malefactors shouted their instructions across the floor and it is clear that other banks were involved too. MPs claimed public money for items their constituents had to buy out of their own earnings and manipulated their housing arrangements to avoid the capital gains tax parliament had imposed on ordinary homeowners. Hundreds had their phones hacked.


Insiders knew, and the public never suspected. It is bad enough discovering that people have ripped you off. Worse is the feeling that they were laughing at your naivety while they did so.


GSK’s crimes may have been serious, but, sad to say, medicine companies pushing unsuitable drugs, manipulating research results and treating doctors to lavish weekends is not new: reprehensible, but hardly a surprise. The same applies to banks’ mis-selling. They have been doing it for decades.


Hidden corporate misbehaviour comes to seem normal to those engaged in it. Everyone else is doing it, management seems to encourage it and it takes a brave, or foolhardy, soul to ask: what would happen if the outside world knew what we were getting up to?



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