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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Hewlett-Packard, the struggling US technology conglomerate, said it was taking an $8bn writedown related to the division dominated by the former EDS technology services group, which it bought for $14bn in 2010.


Meg Whitman, chief executive, is attempting to restructure the group after a turbulent two years in which HP has forced out two chief executives, veered between consumer and business-oriented strategies, and seen its share price slump.

惠普首席执行官梅格·惠特曼(Meg Whitman)正致力于重组集团。在动荡的过去两年里,惠普解雇了两位首席执行官,在以消费者或商业客户为核心的两种战略之间摇摆不定,致使公司股价大跌。

The purchase last year of UK software company Autonomy angered Wall St. Ms Whitman oversaw the departure of Autonomy founder Mike Lynch from HP in May and it subsequently emerged that as many as a quarter of the UK company’s staff had quit after the acquisition, complaining about a stifling management culture at the US group.

去年,惠普收购英国软件公司Autonomy,惹怒了华尔街。在惠特曼任上,Autonomy创始人迈克·林奇(Mike Lynch)于5月离职。接着,由于抱怨这家美国集团的管理文化令人窒息,Autonomy多达四分之一的英国员工选择了离开。

HP, which is cutting 27,000 jobs across its businesses, also said falls in the company’s share price had prompted a review the value of its assets. Its shares are down 60 per cent over five years, 37 per cent over one year and 25 per cent year to date.


It expects to take a pre-tax charge of $1.5bn-$1.7bn in the third quarter related to its redundancy programme announced in May. This was an increase on its previous estimate of approximately $1bn, as larger numbers of staff than expected were opting to take the company’s early-retirement package.


The services division accounts for 29 per cent of HP revenues and consists mainly of the former EDS business. Pre-tax profits at this division had fallen 27 per cent year-on-year in the second quarter and Ms Whitman had indicated that she wanted to revamp the operation to focus on fewer, higher-margin contracts.



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