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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Deutsche Bank has become the first global bank to introduce rules allowing it to strip staff of bonuses they earned at previous employers in the latest crackdown on pay.

德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)采取最新的薪酬改革行动,该行在全球银行中率先出台严厉规则,使其能够剥夺员工在前雇主那里挣得的奖金。

Europe’s biggest lender by assets has significantly tightened its bonus rules this year, enabling it to take back unvested shares that newly hired senior staff received in exchange for stock earned at another bank.

作为欧洲资产规模最大的银行,德银今年已显著收紧奖金规则,该行现在能够收回新聘资深员工获得的未授予股票(unvested share),这些股票是这些员工在被德银聘用之初交出他们在另一家银行挣得的股票所换取的。

Pay consultants said such a rule was unusual if not unique in the banking world but might turn into a blueprint for rivals.


It comes as European banks, under pressure from investors, politicians and regulators, are stepping up efforts to hold employees accountable for illicit or loss-creating behaviour by clawing back their bonuses more frequently.


UK banks including HSBC, Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Banking Group, have been among the most active users of clawback rules, which came into force in 2010.

英国各银行,包括汇丰(HSBC)、苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)和劳埃德银行集团(Lloyds Banking Group),在利用自2010年起生效的奖金追回规则方面是最积极的。

RBS, which is 82 per cent owned by the UK government, has taken back bonuses from about 35 individuals, while HSBC has done so in more than 10 cases, according to people familiar with the situation.


UBS, the first global bank to introduce clawbacks in 2010, said it had withheld SFr204m of deferred awards in 2011.


Pay experts expect the use of clawbacks to rise sharply this year following a string of recent banking scandals, including the manipulation of Libor and anti-money laundering failures.


One big European bank told the Financial Times it was reviewing hundreds of new cases that were likely to lead to bonuses being cut.


Clawback rules allow banks to reduce or eliminate the deferred parts of bonuses that have not yet paid out. They can do so if the profits generated by an individual or division fail to measure up to expectations held when the award was made.


High-profile recent examples include JPMorgan Chase, the US bank, which clawed back bonuses from employees at the centre of a $5.8bn trading loss in the bank’s London-based treasury unit.

近期令人瞩目的案例包括美国的摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase),该行追回了涉及其伦敦金库部门58亿美元交易亏损的雇员的奖金。

At Deutsche Bank, Anshu Jain, its new co-chief executive, recently said he wanted to position the lender “at the forefront of a cultural change that includes reforms to investment bankers’ pay.

德银新上任的首席执行官安舒·贾恩(Anshu Jain)最近表示,他希望让该行置身于文化变革的“最前沿,包括改革投资银行家的薪酬。

“We firmly believe that the industry as a whole will have to change its compensation model, the former head of Deutsche’s investment bank said last month.


The German bank’s stricter bonus rules, which came into force in January, apply to all new senior hires considered to be involved in the bank’s risk-taking, a spokesman said.


One recruitment expert warned the rule could make it harder for Deutsche Bank to attract senior talent as the potential job candidates might not be willing to put at risk stock earned at a previous bank.



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