本届奥运会中,抢劫案早已见怪不怪,但是这次里约好像确实被冤枉了。几天前美国著名泳将罗切特自曝在巴西一家加油站被劫匪持枪抢劫,但随着调查的进行,证词冲突、时间不符、找不到劫匪……一系列的疑点让真相水落石出,里约警方最终自信确认:所谓抢劫根本“子虚乌有”。360°的剧情大反转可能要让这个染一头 “奶奶灰”的万众偶像变成众矢之的咯。
9 August 2016
Lochte wins gold in the men’s 4x200 freestyle relay alongside Michael Phelps, Townley Hass and Connor Dwyer. Lochte becomes second most decorated male Olympic swimmer of all time, trailing only to Phelps. Two days later he finishes fifth in the 200m individual medley, his final race at the Games.
14 August 2016
Shortly after 9am, initial reports of Lochte being held at gunpoint begin to surface, with his mother, Ileana Lochte telling USA Today he had called her immediately after the incident. “I think they’re all shaken up. There were a few of them,” she tells the paper. “They just took their wallets and basically that was it.”
One hour after the story breaks, Mark Adams, IOC’s director of communications flatly denies Lochte’s story saying it’s simply “not true”.
Shortly after midday, Lochte describes to NBC in detail how men impersonating police officers approached him and his group. “They pulled out their guns, they told the other swimmers to get down on the ground – they got down on the ground.…He took our money, he took my wallet, he left my cellphone, he left my credentials.”
Almost simultaneously, the US Olympic Committee release their own statement, this time mentioning the other three members who were with Lochte on the night in question: Gunnar Bentz, Jack Conger, and JamesFeigen.
16 August 2016
Lochte flies home on Tuesday morning. Later that day, the swimmer and his lawyer, Jeff Ostrow, meet with USA Today recalling the incident.
Meanwhile back in Rio, police officials struggle to find any details that support the allegations, stating that the group failed to give any concrete details. According to authorities, the swimmers did not call the police after the incident and it was only after reading media stories that the officers pursued investigated.
17 August 2016
A Brazilian judge orders the seizure of Lochte’s and James Feigen’s passports as doubts in the story develop. Lochte, of course, is back in the US as Ostrow denies to TMZ he even knows about this request. Later in the morning, police officials visit the athletes village asking to speak to the swimmers, who cannot be found as they left the village after competition.
Later that evening, Jack Conger and Gunnar Bentz are detained by police at Rio airport as they attempt to board a plane and fly back to the US.
By 10pm, NBC’s Matt Lauer speaks to Lochte who changes parts of his story. When he first described the incident, Lochte recalled the robber pressing the gun against his head but now he changes his story, saying he only pointed the weapon at him. The swimmer says that he “wouldn’t make up a story like this, nor would the others”. Meanwhile, Conger and Bentz are barred from leaving Brazil until they fully testify.
18 August 2016
Brazilian authorities tell ABC that a “US swimmer” broke down a gas station restroom door and fought with a security guard on the night in question. Later in the morning, the Associated Press receive information from a security official directly involved in the investigation that Lochte fabricated the story. According to the officer, Lochte, Conger, Bentz and Feigen got into an altercation at the gas station in Barra da Tijuca, a suburb of Rio where many Olympic venues are located. The swimmers were looking for a bathroom but once they realized the door was locked, they broke in. After a slight confrontation with the guard and the gas station owner regarding the broken door, they decided to pay for the damages.
O Globo release footage of the video shortly after.
The Rio 2016 spokesman, Mário Andrada, says: “Let’s give these kids a break. Sometimes you take actions that you later regret. They had fun, they made a mistake, life goes on.”
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