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发布时间:2013-02-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

US and UK authorities have fined Barclays more than $450m for attempting to manipulate the London interbank offered rate, a benchmark interest rate that is used globally to set the price of everything from credit card fees to corporate loans.


Bob Diamond, Barclays chief executive, said that he and three of his top lieutenants would waive any bonus for this year “to reflect our collective responsibility as leaders as the UK bank admitted to “misconduct over five years and three continents in its submissions to the bank panels that set Libor and Euribor, the Brussels rate.

巴克莱首席执行官鲍勃·戴蒙德(Bob Diamond)表示,他和手下三名顶级高管将放弃今年的奖金,以“反映我们作为领导者的集体责任。这家英国银行承认,在5年期间,其在三大洲向设定伦敦银行间同业拆借利率(Libor)和欧元区银行间同业拆借利率(Euribor)的银行小组提交数据时存在“不当行为。

The Barclays settlement is the first shoe to drop in a sprawling probe that was launched by the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission and now spans nearly a dozen regulators and more than 20 banks. Yesterday’s settlements were with the UK Financial Services Authority, the CFTC and the US Department of Justice.


The probes are continuing and the record fines are expected to set a basis for settlement talks with individuals and other institutions. Libor, the reference rate for $360tn in global contracts, is set by banks submitting rates at which they believe they can borrow in a reasonable market.


But the authorities’ statements included email exchanges in which Barclays’ submitters agreed to requests from traders to adjust their rates, sending responses including “always happy to help and “done?.?.?.?for you big boy.


In one case, a former Barclays employee asks a derivatives trader to submit a lower Libor rate and then writes “Dude. I owe you big time! Come over one day after work and I’m opening a bottle of Bollinger.


Barclays admitted to two main types of misbehaviour and has put in place new controls on its submissions. From 2005 to 2007, the bank took requests from its own derivatives traders and those at other banks into account when submitting Libor and Euribor quotes.

巴克莱承认有两类主要的不当行为,并已针对该行提交利率的流程实行新的控制措施。在2005年至2007年期间,该行在提交Libor 和Euribor报价时,曾把该行及其它银行衍生品交易员的请求纳入考虑范围。

The bank also admitted to lowballing its Libor rate submissions to paint a false picture of its financial health after the collapse of the UK’s Northern Rock and Lehman Brothers in the US.

巴克莱还承认,在英国北岩银行(Northern Rock)和美国雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)倒闭后,该行曾低报Libor利率,以粉饰自身的财务健康状况。

During that period, senior Barclays managers expressed concern about media reports noting that Barclays’ Libor submissions were higher than average – suggesting it was a riskier proposition for other banks looking to lend money, the FSA said in its notice. This concern “in turn resulted in instructions being given by less senior managers at Barclays to reduce Libor submissions in order to avoid negative media comment. The origin of these instructions is unclear, the FSA said.


While the settlements focus on “attempted manipulation, the DoJ said on some occasions the fixed rates were affected, which could leave the bank open to class-action lawsuits.



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