As well as financing vast infrastructure projects on the Chinese mainland, China Development Banksupports the country’s big national champions as they venture further afield, writes Henny Sender.
中国国家开发银行(China Development Bank,简称国开行)除了为中国内地的大型基建项目提供融资以外,还支持国内龙头企业向海外扩张。
It has lent $30bn to China National Petroleum Corpfor its offshore energy projects and when mining group Chinalco was attempting to lift its stake in Rio Tinto, the bank made $20bn available to finance the purchase.
国开行向中国石油天然气集团公司(China National Petroleum Corp,CNPC)提供了300亿美元贷款,用于开发近海能源项目。当矿产集团中国铝业(Chinalco)试图增持力拓(Rio Tinto)股份时,国开行为这次购股提供了200亿美元资金。
China’s telecoms equipment maker Huawei has a $30bn line of credit with more money on tap. So, when Saudi Telecomteamed up with Maxis Communications, a Malaysian telecoms company, to buy a stake in an Indonesian telecoms operator, CDB lent $400m to finance contracts from Huawei.
中国电信设备制造商华为(Huawei)拥有300亿美元信贷额度,并且还有更多资金可供它随时调用。当沙特电信(Saudi Telecom)联合马来西亚电信企业Maxis通讯公司收购一家印尼电信运营商的股份时,国开行拿出4亿美元为涉及华为的合同提供融资。
CDB has financed everything from hydro power stations to potash projects in South-east Asia, especially in countries such as Laos which would have problems accessing loans from banks in developed countries on such favourable terms.
It has dominated the Chinese banking groups lending $12bn to Anil Ambani’s Reliance Powerin India for big power plants using Chinese equipment.
国开行牵头的数家中资银行集团向印度阿尼尔·安巴尼(Anil Ambani)旗下的信实电力(Reliance Power)提供了120亿美元贷款,应用在使用中国设备的大型发电站项目上。
The bank is also increasingly active in Latin America. Luis Alberto Moreno, president of the Inter-American Development Bank(IDB) estimates that the Chinese have provided $32bn for infrastructure projects in Latin America with most of that money from CDB. “More and more the Chinese look to be global players and help other places develop. CDB has a big role in that, he says.
国开行在拉丁美洲也越来越活跃。美洲开发银行(Inter-American Development Bank, IDB)行长路易斯·阿尔伯托·莫雷诺(Luis Alberto Moreno)估计,中国为拉美基建项目提供了320亿美元贷款,其中多数资金来自于国开行。他说:“中国人越来越期望站上全球舞台,帮助其他地区发展。国开行在其中发挥着重要作用。
The bank agreed to lend a $10bn loan to Petrobras in Brazil and has provided loans in Venezuela, its largest borrowing client, for everything from social housing to helping the country build its oil infrastructure.
It is in Latin America that the contrast of China’s expanding financial presence contrasts most dramatically with America’s shrinking financial presence.
In Africa, meanwhile, the bank is also expanding its footprint.
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