China had its OWN breed of domesticated cat 5,500 years ago!
There are thought to be 500 million domestic cats worldwide, all descended from a form of wildcat native to north Africa and the eastern Mediterranean.
But this wasn't always the case.
Researchers studying the bones of the earliest domesticated cats in China have discovered the first felines to live with humans 5,000 years ago were instead relatives of the Asian leopard cat.
This study suggests 'taming' of cats took place at least twice in different parts of the world –and with two different species of cat.
The cat bones used in the study were unearthed in archaeological excavations in 2001 from the site of ancient agricultural settlements in Shaanxi province in northern China.
They were dated to 3,000 to 3,500 years BC.
To determine which species they originated from, and whether they belonged to the same group of felines that were tamed in the West, scientists undertook what's known as geometric morphometric analysis.
The scientists analysed the mandibles of five cats from Shaanxi and Henan dating from 3,500 to 2,900 BC.
All of the bones in the excavation belonged to the leopard cat, Prionailurus bengalensis, an animal of similar size to a domestic cat but with longer legs and a smaller head, and which still lives in the wild across much of Asia.
挖掘出的所有的猫骨都属于豹猫(leopard cat, 又称Prionailurus bengalensis),这是一种同家猫有着相似的大小但腿略长且头略小,而且现仍生活在亚洲大部分地区的野外。
This wildcat, which is a distant relation of the western wildcat, is well-known for its propensity to frequent areas with a strong human presence.
The researchers showed that cats and humans began to live alongside one another as agriculture developed, presumably because both found a benefit in the cats' rodent-catching abilities.
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