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发布时间:2013-02-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Middle class professionals make up a large and increasing proportion of British citizens moving abroad, risking a skills shortage in the UK, a Home Office report has warned.

英国内政部(Home Office)警告称,在移居海外的英国公民中,中产专业人士占比很高,且这个比例呈不断升高趋势,这一局面可能会导致英国本土专业技术人才短缺。

Almost half of all British emigrants in 2010 were previously in professional or managerial roles and most of those move abroad to take up a definite job for four years or more. Some 48 per cent of British emigrants were professionals in 2010, compared with 37 per cent in 1991.


The report, published on Tuesday, said the rising proportion of professionals leaving the UK could have “implications for the availability of skills.


The government’s cap on the number of migrants has been criticised by business, which says it restricts companies’ ability to hire foreign skilled professionals to work in the UK.


Last week, Lord O’Donnell, the former head of the civil service, urged the UK government to stop “shooting itself in the foot and change its immigration policy to boost economic growth.

上周,英国前内政大臣奥唐奈勋爵(Lord O'Donnell)催促英国政府停止“伤害自己的做法,改变移民政策以推动经济增长。

Over the 2000s, the number of professionals emigrating rose as intra-company transfers increased as a way to advance career prospects.


“The traditional ‘expat’ is being replaced by the ‘nomadic’ worker, the report said, adding that this also had consequences for the inward flow of foreign skilled workers to the UK.


British citizens leaving for a definite job were most likely to go to Australia, the USA and Spain. One in seven British emigrants said they would stay abroad for the “favourable cost of living and the report said most appeared to be making a “lifestyle choice rather than moving mainly for work.


The number of British citizens going abroad to study has remained constant at about 5,000 to 10,000 a year, even as the number of people going to university rose.


But the report said the recent rise in university fees to a maximum of £9,000 a year “may lead more British citizens to go abroad for study in the future.


The Home Office said there appeared to be an “inverse association between British emigration and unemployment that might seem “counterintuitive.


As UK unemployment rises, fewer British people emigrate, perhaps because they cannot fund a move or because there are simultaneous downturns in the destinations they tend to go to.



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