Sometimes, the simplest invention can change millions of lives. That’s the goal of The Shoe That Grows, a sandal invented by inventor Kenton Lee that can adjust its size, allowing children in impoverished nations to grow up without having to go barefoot. The shoes, which come in catch-all Small and Large sizes, can grow 5 sizes and last at least 5 years.
有时,最简单的发明就能改变百万人的生活,这也是“能生长的鞋”的目标所在。Kenton Lee发明的这种鞋能够调节大小,让贫穷国家的孩子不用光着脚长大。这种鞋有各种尺寸,并且至少可以调大至5种不同尺寸,还能够穿上5年时间。
According to The Shoe That Grows, “There are over 300 million children who do not have shoes. And countless more with shoes that do not fit.” Children without shoes are susceptible to injuries and parasites that infect humans through our feet. The problem with ordinary shoe donations is that they are soon outgrown, which is exactly the problem that these new shoes would fix.While you can buy yourself a pair, the site emphasizes packages that allow buyers to send shoes in bulk to the countries that need them the most.
根据“能生长的鞋”组织,“目前有3亿儿童没有鞋穿,还有更多的孩子的鞋都大小不合适。”儿童不穿鞋容易遭受创伤或通过足部感染寄生虫。捐赠来的鞋的问题在于很快就会穿不上, 这也是这种新发明的鞋所解决的问题。当你给自己买一双这样的鞋的时候,销售点也会强力推荐店里有包裹供买家把鞋寄往最需要的地方。
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