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发布时间:2013-02-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The slowdown in the global economy and anaemic US recovery is expected to result in one of the worst US quarterly earnings seasons since late 2010.


Analysts expect earnings for the period ended September to decline, the first negative result after 11 consecutive quarters of gains.


Energy and materials companies are tipped to lead the downturn with the financial sector set to be one of the few bright spots.


Wall Street analysts expect third-quarter earnings per share for S and P 500 companies will fall 2.7 per cent versus the same quarter a year ago, according to FactSet. Just three months ago analysts had forecast growth of 1.9 per cent.


In the past three months, warnings from large companies about reduced full-year profits due to global economic weakness fuelled this pessimistic view.


FedEx and UPS, often seen as barometers for world economic health, cut their full-year guidance during their last earnings releases, citing the slowdown in global trade.


In August, talking to the Financial Times, the chief executive of Caterpillar, bellwether of the industrial economy, warned of the greater uncertainty about global growth, predicting it could take another five years before Europe’s economy begins to grow.


Jeff Kleintop, chief market strategist at LPL Financial, said: “We expect corporate profits will be negative and revenues soft, as the global slowdown and below average economic growth in the US has affected companies.

LPL Financial首席市场战略师杰夫·克莱因托普(Jeff Kleintop)说:“我们预计,全球经济放缓、再加上美国经济增长率低于全球平均水平,已对企业造成影响,因此企业利润将下滑,企业收入将表现平淡。

The earnings season starts with Alcoa reporting on Tuesday, followed by JPMorgan and Wells Fargo on Friday.

美国铝业(Alcoa)将于周二发布季报,开启此轮季报发布潮。随后,摩根大通(JPMorgan)和富国银行(Wells Fargo)将在周五发布季报。

However, downbeat earnings expectations are yet to weigh on the broad market with the S and P 500 up more than 16 per cent so far this year. Stock prices are being supported by the Federal Reserve buying large amounts of bonds, which lowers interest rates and boosts the attractiveness of riskier assets such as equities.


“If we see that the markets do not correct even after earnings disappoint and guidance gets worse, then it will be clear that fundamentals have given way to the Fed, said Quincy Krosby, market strategist at Prudential Financial.

保德信金融集团(Prudential Financial)市场战略师昆西·克罗斯比(Quincy Krosby)表示:“如果盈利情况不理想、企业进一步调低利润预期,而市场仍不出现调整,那么很显然,基本面因素已被美联储控制。

Equity investors are also looking beyond the most recent quarter toward the final quarter of the year given the expectation that profits will rebound. S and P 500 companies are on course for record cash profits for 2012.


That outlook may suffer from downward revisions should companies express caution about their future earnings in their results in the coming weeks.


“Even with lowered expectations, earnings could disappoint and place stocks under pressure, said Michael Kastner, principal at Halyard Asset Management. “It’s worrying to see the warnings from Fed Ex and other weakness from the transport sector that suggests this will not be a good quarter.

“即便投资者已经调低了期望值,但企业盈利情况也可能还是会令他们股市失望,并对股价构成压力,Halyard资产管理公司(Halyard Asset Management)负责人迈克尔·卡斯特纳(Michael Kastner)说。“联邦快递发出的警告以及运输业其他疲弱迹象显示,第三季度形势不妙。这种情况令人担忧。


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