怎么培养宝宝 好父母的管理之道-查字典英语网
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怎么培养宝宝 好父母的管理之道

发布时间:2019-09-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

No textbook can prepare you for being in charge of people for the first time. All the plans you made in the glow of promotion to manager collapse in those early days with the realisation that people do not always do what you tell them to do.


There are two accepted ways to deal with this. You can try to enforce your will or you can accept that your team know their jobs and allow them to get on with it.


Douglas McGregor called these approaches Theory X and Theory Y. You may not have heard of McGregor or his book The Human Side of Enterprise. But whether you have heard of him or not, you probably manage, or are managed, according to one of his two theories.

道格拉斯•麦格雷戈(Douglas McGregor)把这两种方法称为X理论和Y理论。你可能没有听说过麦格雷戈或者他的著作《企业的人性面》(The Human Side of Enterprise)。但不管你听过还是没听过,你管理他人或者被管理的方式,很可能正是基于他的两种理论的其中之一。

What are Theory X and Theory Y? Theory X assumes people do not particularly want to work and need to be “coerced, controlled, directed, and threatened with punishment”.


Theory Y assumes people want to do a good job. There is no need to order them about. They are naturally inventive and look for the best ways to get work done.


McGregor favoured Theory Y. His book appeared in 1960, at the beginning of a period of western belief in greater freedom and equality, and it found an eager audience.


“Our biggest asset is our people” was a Theory Y-influenced slogan. But many employees saw through it. While many managers talked Theory Y, they practised Theory X.


There have always been exceptional workplaces – some, but not all, in the professional services or technology sectors – where managers gave their staff the freedom to set their own hours, work from home or find the best ways of serving customers.


But there are many more companies where managers claim to believe in their people but micromanage, noting who leaves when, and insisting things be done their way.


Why has it happened? McGregor did his research in the US from the mid-1930s to the mid-1950s, a period that culminated in a great rise in prosperity and work opportunities. People expected to have long careers with just one or two companies, as a 2003 paper entitled “A Kind Word for Theory X” pointed out.


Michael Bobic and William Eric Davis, the writers, accept that McGregor’s writings “revolutionised the field of management theory”, but argue that benign Theory Y management fell victim to today’s insecure working world, where companies offer their staff no loyalty and receive little in return.

这篇论文的作者迈克尔•博比克(Michael Bobic)和威廉•埃里克•戴维斯(William Eric Davis)承认,麦格雷戈的著作“彻底改变了管理学理论领域”,但他们认为,在当今这种缺乏安全感的工作环境下,企业和员工彼此都谈不上忠诚,良性的Y理论管理模式缺乏合适的舞台。

But there are other reasons things have not gone McGregor’s way. Many easy-going, creative workplaces rely on outsourced data processing and call centres. Like clothing sweatshops, these are not full of managers eager to let their employees decide their own working practices.


Even in the most go-ahead offices, the human resources and legal departments increasingly insist on the dismal completion of online forms for the most routine activities. Managers who want to run grown-up departments are ground down. We need a different type of thinking about management. If we want to find an effective way of treating our staff like adults, perhaps we should turn to an expert in dealing with children.


Diana Baumrind is a US psychologist known for her research on good parenting. Unlike McGregor’s two management styles, Ms Baumrind came up with three ways of dealing with children: permissive, authoritarian and authoritative.

美国心理学家戴安娜•鲍姆林德(Diana Baumrind)因其对好的育儿方式的研究而闻名。不像麦格雷戈的两种管理风格,她提出了3种对待儿童的方式:宽容型、专制型和权威型。

“The permissive parent attempts to behave in a non-punitive, acceptant, and affirmative manner,” she wrote. This is like McGregor’s Theory Y.


The authoritarian parent tries “to shape, control, and evaluate . . . She values obedience as a virtue.” This is the parenting version of Theory X.


Then there is the authoritative parent, who “attempts to direct the child’s activities in a rational, issue-oriented manner”. This is the parent who “encourages verbal give and take”. She exerts control only at points of real divergence “but does not hem the child in with restrictions”.


There are differences between parenting and management. Children cannot resign. But the authoritative parent, who sets clear parameters yet allows freedom within them, who reasons rather than rules (and makes the numbers), strikes me both as an excellent model for managers and a realistic middle route between Theories X and Y.



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