12:The different types of travel restrictions to be eased as a result of the restored ties, including family visits and official visits as well as journalistic and education work, according to The New York Times. Tourism, however, will reportedly remain prohibited.
18:The months of “secret talks” that were hosted by Canada and which led to President Barack Obama to meet with Cuban President Raul Castro, according to The New York Times.
25:The percentage of Cuba’s economy that goes to exporting raw sugar. That’s followed by 15% refined petroleum, 14% nickel mattes, 14% rolled tobacco and 6.7% hard liquor, according to the Observatory of Economic Complexity, which is run by MIT. The top five export locations are China (30%), Spain (11%), Brazil (5.1%), Belgium-Luxembourg (5%) and Italy (3.2%).
50:The number of years that passed between the U.S. and Cuba before talking once more on Dec. 17.
68.23:The number of dollars in billions that Cuba’s GDP is worth, according to the World Bank. The country also has a population of 11.26 million.
682.3亿:世界银行(World Bank)的数据显示,古巴国内生产总值为682.3亿美元,该国总人口为1,126万。
264:The number of dollars in millions that the U.S. government has spent in Cuba through the U.S. Agency for International Development to aid democracy in Cuba, The New York Times reported.
400:The number of dollars that U.S. travelers can import from Cuba. That’s up from $100 previously, according to media reports.
5:The numbers of years American contractor Gross was held captive in a Cuban prison. He worked for Development Alternatives which reportedly held a $6 million contract with the U.S. Agency for International Development. The country accused Gross of crimes related to bringing satellite phones and computer equipment to Cuba’s Jewish community.
2,000:The number of dollars that President Obama will allow to be sent to Cuban nationals every three months. That’s up from just $500.
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