A lab worker disconnects from a charger a mobile phone, displaying a timer indicating that the battery was fully charged under 30 seconds, at the headquarters of StoreDot in Tel Aviv October 23, 2017.
An Israeli company says it has developed technology that can charge a mobile phone in a few seconds and an electric car in minutes, advances that could transform two of the world's most dynamic consumer industries.
Using nano-technology to synthesize artificial molecules, Tel Aviv-based StoreDot says it has developed a battery that can store a much higher charge more quickly, in effect acting like a super-dense sponge to soak up power and retain it.
While the prototype is currently far too bulky for a mobile phone, the company believes it will be ready by 2016 to market a slim battery that can absorb and deliver a day's power for a smartphone in just 30 seconds.
"These are new materials, they have never been developed before," said Doron Myersdorf, the founder and chief executive of StoreDot, whose investors include Russian billionaire and Chelsea soccer club owner Roman Abramovich.
“这些都是从未被使用过的新材质,”StoreDot公司创始人兼董事长多隆-米尔斯多夫(Doron Myersdorf)说道。他的赞助商有俄罗斯亿万富翁、切尔西足球俱乐部的老总罗曼-阿布拉莫维奇(Roman Abramovich)。
The innovation is based around the creation of "nanodots", which StoreDot describes as bio-organic peptide molecules. Nanodots alter the way a battery behaves to allow the rapid absorption and, critically, the retention of power.
The company has raised $48 million from two rounds of funding, including backing from a leading mobile phone maker. Myersdorf declined to name the company, but said it was Asian.
StoreDot公司目前已经在两轮融资中获得了4800万美元的投资,投资方还有一家未透露名称的领先手机厂商。 米尔斯多夫拒绝透露该厂商的名称,但称这家公司来自亚洲。
With the number of smartphone users forecast to reach 1.75 billion this year, StoreDot sees a big market, and some experts think that -- with more work -- it could be on to a winner.
"We live in a power hungry world ... people are constantly chasing a power outlet. StoreDot has the potential to solve this real big problem," said Zack Weisfeld, who has worked with and evaluated ventures in the mobile phone sector globally.
“我们生活在一个对能源饥渴的世界里,人们总是在寻找电力来源。StoreDot有解决这巨大问题的能力,”在全球手机市场从事和进行投资评估的专家扎克-维斯菲尔德(Zack Weifeld)说道
"They still have some way to go, to deal with size of battery and power cycle rounds, but if solvable, it's a very big breakthrough," he told Reuters.
Myersdorf said a fast-charge phone would cost $100-$150 more than current models and would ultimately be able to handle 1,500 recharge/discharge cycles, giving it about three years of life.
He hopes to use the same technology to create a car battery that recharges in two or three minutes, rather than current models which commonly need to be charged overnight.
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