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发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Wall Street pay will bounce in 2012 from last year's sharply reduced levels, but bonuses will be lower and have more strings attached than before the financial crisis, the latest tally of finance-industry compensation shows.


So-called incentive-based pay, which includes cash and stock awards, is set to be flat to up 5% to 10% from a year earlier, according to a forecast set to be released Monday by consulting firm Johnson Associates. At the same time, financial firms are keeping a lid on cash outlays by deferring more pay and trimming their workforces.

咨询公司Johnson Associates定于周一发布的一份预测显示,包括现金和股票奖励在内的所谓“激励性薪酬同比将持平或增长5%至10%。与此同时,金融机构通过推迟发放更多薪资并削减员工数量来限制现金支出。

'We are as low as we have been in 10 or 15 years,' said Alan Johnson, managing director of Johnson Associates, referring to Wall Street's bonus pool. 'It's the new normal.'

Johnson Associates的董事总经理约翰逊(Alan Johnson)说:我们正处于10或15年来的最低水平,这是新的常态。他在这里指的是华尔街的奖金池。

The forecast is the latest sign that the weak economy, tougher regulations and uneasy markets that are hampering banks' financial performance are pinching their workers' wallets. Job cuts have slowed from their frenetic pace in the second half of 2011, when two dozen global financial firms announced plans to cut more than 100,000 positions, but rethinking cutbacks and compensation is now the norm.


Many securities-industry employees still rake in far more in pay than most other professions. But gone are the days when scores of star traders would get million-dollar, year-end windfalls. The average managing director is set to take home about $930,000 in total pay for 2012, up 3.3% from $900,000 a year ago but down about 23% from $1.2 million in 2010.


Since the financial crisis brought the bailouts of firms such as Citigroup Inc., C -0.92% Bank of America Corp. BAC +1.13% and Morgan Stanley, MS +0.97% firms have shifted much of their pay to incentive-based structures such as deferred pay that aim to curb risk-taking.

由于金融危机让花旗集团(Citigroup Inc.)、美国银行(Bank of America Corp.)和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)接受了救助,金融机构将大比例薪酬转变为递延薪酬等激励性薪资,其目的是为了遏制员工不负责任随意承担风险的行为。

Mr. Johnson said an equity trader who is managing director at a major firm could receive as much as 70% of his pay at a later date, an arrangement that ties more compensation to long-term performance.


Reflecting a big rebound from last year's plunge, the survey said bond traders─among the hardest hit in terms of pay in 2011─could see their bonuses rise 10% to 20%, even though several firms are scaling back fixed-income trading operations.


Investment bankers and equity traders may receive as much as 10% less in bonuses than last year. Equity volumes remain weak, while global merger and acquisition volume is down 16% to $1.7 trillion through the first nine months of the year, according to Thomson Reuters.

和去年相比,投资银行家和股票交易员得到的奖金数量可能减少10%。汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)的数据表明,股票交易量仍然疲弱,今年头九个月全球并购交易量下降16%,至1.7万亿美元。

The quarterly survey is based on public financial data from eight of the largest investment and commercial banks and 10 of the largest asset-management firms as well as conversations with employees at those firms.


Mr. Johnson projects bonuses for investment and commercial bankers and asset and wealth managers could rise 5% to 15% in 2013, though he says that will only come with 'a leaner and more focused' workforce.


'The industry got too large,' he said. 'We are digging ourselves out of a hole.



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