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发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

President Barack Obama, in his first public comments on the matter, said Wednesday he hasn't decided yet whether the Federal Bureau of Investigation properly handled the probe leading to the downfall of former Central Intelligence Agency Director David Petraeus.

周三,美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)首次公开对美国中央情报局(CIA)前局长彼得雷乌斯(David Petraeus)一事发表看法。奥巴马说,有关美国联邦调查局(FBI)是否妥善处理了导致彼得雷乌斯辞职一事的调查,他尚未做出决定。

The president, speaking at a White House news conference, said he is withholding judgment on whether he should have been told about the investigation earlier. Mr. Obama also said he had seen no evidence yet that classified information had been disclosed 'in any way that would have had a negative impact' on national security.


'I have a lot of confidence generally in the FBI,'' Mr. Obama said, without delving into the details of a months-long probe that uncovered Mr. Petraeus's extramarital affair and led to an investigation of a senior general.


The FBI continues to look into how Mr. Petraeus's biographer, Paula Broadwell, with whom he had the affair, came to have classified documents on her computer, according to officials. Both Ms. Broadwell and Mr. Petraeus have denied that he provided those documents. Agents searched Ms. Broadwell's home this week as part of the investigation.

据有关官员透露,FBI将继续调查彼得雷乌斯的传记作家布洛德威尔(Paula Broadwell)的电脑上怎么会有机密文件一事。彼得雷乌斯正是同布洛德威尔发生了婚外情。布洛德威尔和彼得雷乌斯均否认是彼得雷乌斯提供了这些文件。作为调查的组成部分,联邦特工本周搜查了布洛德威尔的家。

The probe also uncovered email exchanges between the U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Gen. John Allen, and Jill Kelley, a second woman involved in the case. Gen. Allen, who faces a Pentagon inspector general's investigation, has denied any inappropriate relationship with Ms. Kelley. His military attorney, Marine Col. John Baker, said Wednesday that Gen. Allen would cooperate with the investigation, and will stay on the job as commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan.

调查同时发现了美军驻阿富汗司令艾伦上将(John Allen)同卷入此案的另一名女子凯利(Jill Kelley)之间的电子邮件往来。艾伦上将目前面临五角大楼总监察长的调查,他否认自己同凯利之间存在任何不恰当的关系。艾伦上将的军方律师、海军陆战队上校贝克(John Baker)周三表示,艾伦上将会配合调查,在此期间他将继续担任美军和北约部队驻阿富司令一职。

In a statement Wednesday, Marine Col. Baker said, 'While this Inspector General's Investigation is under way, General Allen can't comment more specifically on these matters, but he does sincerely appreciate the support expressed by the President, the Secretary of Defense, members of Congress, and members of the public.'


The FBI agent who helped start the probe was identified Wednesday as Frederick Humphries, 47, an agent who investigated the 1999 Millennium terror plot, in which a bomber attempted to cross into the U.S. from Canada to carry out an attack at Los Angeles International Airport, according to officials familiar with the matter.

据知情人士透露,帮助启动这宗调查的FBI特工周三被曝光,此人是现年47岁的联邦特工汉弗莱斯(Frederick Humphries),曾经负责调查1999年“千禧新年夜大爆炸一案。在当年这起案件中,一名恐怖分子试图从加拿大进入美国,企图炸毁洛杉矶国际机场(Los Angeles International Airport)。

Mr. Humphries, who was first identified in a New York Times report, is the subject of an internal investigation. FBI officials became concerned that he was too involved in the case and that he went to congressional officials to complain about the way it was being handled.

《纽约时报》(New York Times)的一篇报道首先透露了汉弗莱斯的身份。汉弗莱斯目前成为一宗内部调查的对象。FBI官员开始担心他对这宗案件过于投入,以及他到国会有关负责人那里抱怨这宗调查的处理方式。

Mr. Humphries didn't immediately respond to a request for comment Wednesday.


U.S. officials familiar with the probe said Mr. Humphries took the initial report from Ms. Kelley, a friend who complained of receiving cyber-stalking messages that she considered harassing. The FBI probe eventually led to Ms. Broadwell. Investigators found that Mr. Humphries had sent shirtless photos of himself to Ms. Kelley well before the email investigation had begun.



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