The first year of college was punishingly lonely for the young medical student.Brought up in a poor village, he had little in common with his wealthier urbanpeers. He made no friends. No one listened to him. All he did was study.
It might be a tale of China's growing social divisions.But instead of begrudging the other students their advantages, or bemoaningcliques, Zhang Yin concluded that the problem layinside. Agonised by his sense of isolation, he turned to a counsellor for help.
这可能就是对中国差距日益加大的社会阶层的描述。但张银(Zhang Yin)并没有嫉妒其他学生的优势或哀叹拉帮结派现象,他将问题归结于内因。由于为自己的孤立感感到烦恼,他向心理顾问寻求帮助。
What began as a search for meaning in his life became his vocation: he isresearching stress and depression at Changsha University and hopes totrain as an existential therapist. "I want to know how others relievetheir pain and anxiety and discomfort," the 24-year-old said.
Zhang'senthusiasm for the "talking cure" reflects a wider surge in interest,as China'scitizens seek meaning beyond the quest for prosperity.
"Chinese people have been hungering and searching for something for a long time sincethe collapse of Maoism. Every so often there's a certain 'fever' sweeping thecountry," said Huang Hsuan-ying, an ethnographerwho has been studying the boom in psychotherapy in China since 2007. "It fitsinto that long-term search for something that is not only material."
HuangHsuan-ying 说,“自从毛泽东思想坍塌之后,中国人民很长时间以来都在饥渴地寻求着什么。常常就会有一阵‘狂热’席卷整个国家”。作为人种论学者,Huang Hsuan-ying从2007年就开始研究心理疗法蓬勃发展的现象。“这与人们长期寻求物质之外东西的趋势相符”。
ZhaoXudong, of Tongji University, in Shanghai,has said there are just 20,000 psychiatrists in the country. Yet evidence fromother countries suggests China will need 100,000 more to meet the population's needs in coming years.
上海同济大学的张旭东(Zhao Xudong)说,中国只有两万名精神病医生。而其他国家分析表明,在未来几年里,中国还将需要10万名精神病医生来满足人群的需求
Althoughthere are 400,000 psychological counsellors registered with the country'sministry of labour, many in the profession believe the licence is too easy to obtain.
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