Japanese prime minister Yoshihiko Noda has pledged to join talks on a domestically controversial pan-Pacific free trade agreement, signalling his intention to make trade a battleground of the general election.
日本首相野田佳彦(Yoshihiko Noda)承诺,日本将加入关于一项泛太平洋自由贸易协议的会谈,尽管这项协议在日本国内备受争议。此举表明,野田有意将贸易作为大选议题之一。
Mr Noda said Japan’s entry into the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an issue that has generated fierce opposition from agricultural interests and even colleagues within his party, would be a feature of the manifesto for his Democratic party.
野田表示,民主党将把日本加入泛太平洋伙伴关系(Trans-Pacific Partnership,简称TPP)作为竞选纲领的一大特色。此事已招致农业利益团体甚至民主党内部分人士的强烈反对。
“We will simultaneously pursue the TPP and a trilateral free-trade agreement among Japan, China and South Korea. This stance will be outlined in our election manifesto, Mr Noda said in the southern city of Fukuoka on Saturday, referring to a separate three-way initiative between east Asia’s three biggest economies. Japan must hold elections by next summer.
The TPP, a grouping of nations pursuing economic integration since 2006, has become the focus of multilateral efforts to lower barriers to the trade of goods and services in the region.
Yet, Japan’s government has long wavered on entry into the pact, which is supported by most consumer and industry groups, but opposed by the farming lobby.
By setting out his stall, Mr Noda may be seeking to shore up flagging public support for his party while exploiting divisions within the main opposition Liberal Democrat party.
The LDP has yet to make clear its position on Japan’s entry into TPP talks under its new leader, Shinzo Abe. In the past, Mr Abe has said he prefers bilateral trade agreements.
在新党魁安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)的领导下,自民党尚未表明其对日本加入TPP会谈一事的立常安倍晋三以前曾表示,他更倾向于双边贸易协议。
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