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发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

A re-elected President Barack Obama will quickly face the challenge of reworking the U.S.'s most important relationship after a campaign that made China a central issue, and as Beijing changes its own leaders.

美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)获得连任之后,将很快面临怎样重塑美国最重要对外关系的挑战,因为选战曾将中国列为中心议题,而眼下北京也正在进行领导层更替。

Once Mr. Obama and Xi Jinping, to take over as head of China's Communist Party in the coming week and as president in the spring, meet as counterparts, thorny issues and strains await - from trade conflicts and disparities over human rights to the U.S. strategic pivot to build its military and diplomatic presence in Asia and China's increasing assertiveness vis-à-vis neighbors in disputed waters.


The Obama administration has angered China by supporting calls for a multilateral solution to competing territorial claims in the resource-rich South China Sea. It has also pledged to extend U.S. missile-defense systems to guard against potential actions from North Korea and said it will put 2,500 Marines on Australia's north coast, moves that have stirred concern in Beijing.

奥巴马政府曾因支持通过多边方式解决南中国海(South China Sea, 中国称南海)领土争端的呼吁而激怒中国。它还承诺扩大美国的导弹防御系统,以防御朝鲜可能发起的攻击,并表示将在澳大利亚北部海岸驻扎2,500名海军陆战队员。这些举动引发了北京的关切。

Mr. Obama took a tough rhetorical line with China during the campaign to blunt criticism from Republican challenger Mitt Romney, who vowed to formally label China a currency manipulator. The president said during a debate last month that his administration's increasing military focus on Asia was a response to China's growing might, contradicting the administration's assurances to Beijing.

选战期间,奥巴马在言辞上对中国采取强硬立场,以反驳共和党总统候选人罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)的批评。罗姆尼曾扬言要将中国正式定性为汇率操纵国。奥巴马在上个月的一场辩论期间说,美国政府将军事重心越来越多地放在亚洲是为了应对中国不断增强的实力,而这一说法跟奥巴马政府对北京做出的保证截然相反。

Despite such strains, Chinese officials on Wednesday congratulated Mr. Obama for his victory in carefully planned statements. Chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao congratulated Mr. Obama, while Mr. Xi congratulated U.S. Vice President Joe Biden.

虽然存在种种矛盾,中国官员还是通过精心准备的声明祝贺奥巴马获胜。国家主席胡锦涛和国务院总理温家宝向奥巴马表示祝贺,习近平向美国副总统拜登(Joe Biden)道贺。

'China is willing to work together with the U.S. to focus on the future, to continue its efforts to promote the Sino-U.S. partnership to achieve new and greater development and to better benefit the two peoples and the people of the world,' said Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei.


Mr. Obama could get an early chance to address his second-term plans at a summit of Asian leaders next week in Cambodia that he is expected to attend.


Mr. Obama's approach so far has relied in part on trade actions, including a complaint in September before the World Trade Organization that China was illegally subsidizing exports of autos and auto parts.


Trade tensions are likely to continue: On Wednesday, the U.S. International Trade Commission found that U.S. solar-panel makers had been hurt by Chinese dumping, setting up federal tariffs against the Chinese.

美中之间的贸易紧张关系预计会持续下去:美国国际贸易委员会(U.S. International Trade Commission)周三发现,美国的太阳能板制造商受到了中国倾销行为的不利影响,并且设定了针对中国太阳能板的联邦关税。

The administration's 'pivot' to Asia is an overriding issue. Mr. Obama will need to decide just how far he wants to go in fortifying the U.S. military posture in the Pacific, especially in a dispute with U.S. ally and treaty partner Japan over an island chain.


'We will have to see what Xi Jinping will want to do once he takes power,' said Dan Blumenthal, an Asia expert at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank. 'China's dispute with Japan will probably be the biggest headache for all of us.'

保守派智库美国企业研究所(American Enterprise Institute)的亚洲问题专家布卢门撒尔(Dan Blumenthal)说,我们需要观察习近平掌权后有何动向。中国与日本间的争端可能是所有人最头疼的问题。

At home, Mr. Obama's emphasis on Asia is drawing fire both for doing too much and too little. Some conservatives, including Mr. Romney, argue that the administration's pivot is a rhetorical device without military substance. These critics say that a small U.S. Navy can't provide enough muscle in the Western Pacific to realistically deter China or to reassure allies.


At the same time, other analysts believe the U.S. shift is likely to exacerbate tensions and reinforce China's long-standing fears it is being encircled by hostile forces without directly buttressing U.S. national interests.


'We're doing two things: One, we're challenging Chinese security and second, we're stoking the fires of nationalism. No great power could be expected to sit there and benignly accept changes in the status quo that undermine its security,' said Robert Ross, an expert on Chinese security at Boston College.

波士顿学院(Boston College)的中国安全问题专家罗斯(Robert Ross)说,我们正在做两件事,一是向中国的国家安全发起挑战,二是煽动中国的民族主义情绪。没有任何一个大国会对破坏其国家安全的改变安之若素。

Nevertheless, Barclays Capital analyst Huang Yiping said deepened economic ties will give new players on both sides little reason to rock the boat. 'We are in for a period of mutual accommodation; no one wants to damage the economic relationship,' he said.

不过,巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)的分析师黄益平认为,经济联系的加深将会让中美双方新上任的领导人没有理由无事生非。他说,我们必定会进入一个相互适应的时期;没有人愿意破坏双方间的经济关系。


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