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发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Lucy McGee knew there was a problem – friends had told her at dinner parties – but even she was surprised at the findings of a survey into how well senior executives cope with moving to a new job.

露西·麦吉(Lucy McGee)知道一定存在问题——朋友们曾在晚餐派对上对她诉苦——但即便是她也对一项调查的结果颇感惊讶,这项调查是关于高级经理人在走上一个新岗位后是否适应新环境。

The research showed that almost 40 per cent of senior executives starting a new job found their first three months to be so bad that they considered walking away from it.


Ms McGee is director of leadership services at Harvey Nash, the executive search firm that conducted the research, and she says the idea to carry out the survey grew out of a dinner party conversation with friends who had recently started new jobs.

麦吉是猎头公司Harvey Nash领导力服务业务的主管,上述调查就是这家公司开展的。麦吉称,进行这项调查的想法是在一个晚餐派对上与近期换了新工作的朋友们谈话时产生的。

“There has been a lot of research about executive failure and, at the other end, about onboarding mostly at the junior level – but not the two together, she says. “We’re saying you have to go back to the roots of where failure might start.


The survey, “Onboard and upwards: How an executive’s first 90 days make or break the ones that follow, was of more than 280 executives changing jobs in the past year. Many said that because of incomplete and inaccurate information, they felt they did not fit in well in their new role.


It meant 73 per cent planned to leave within three years and 37 per cent planned to stay less than a year or were already seeking new posts. Only 24 per cent found their induction very useful. This can have an impact on the business: responses suggest they could be much more productive with a better organised start.


“Executive salaries haven’t faced any cuts or freezes, in fact they continue to grow. But if companies were more attentive, they would get a better rate of return on their investment, says Ms McGee.


The research backs up the work of Niamh O’Keeffe, founder of the First100 consultancy, which helps executives to make a good start, and who has just written her second book Lead Your Team in Your First 100 Days.

上述调查结果为咨询公司First100创始人尼姆·欧基弗(Niamh O’Keeffe)正在进行的工作提供了事实依据。First100致力于帮助经理人顺利融入新的工作岗位。欧基弗不久前刚刚完成了自己的第二本书《在头100天里带好团队》(Lead Your Team in Your First 100 Days)。

She has identified the top six pressure points for newly appointed leaders: speed is the new business weapon; leadership tenures have shortened; responsibilities have expanded considerably; leadership has become complicated; leadership “change fatigue has emerged; and team performance affects a leader’s reputation.


“These six points are the result of my observations and experience working with clients on the ground, says Ms O’Keefe, a former management consultant with Accenture. “People are using the language of the first 100 days but then seeing it as time for a soft landing or honeymoon period and that drives me nuts.


“We know that executives spend more time and effort on learning when they’re seeking a promotion and starting a new job. And companies still spend millions on training when executives aren’t as engaged.


Executives told the Harvey Nash survey they could have been, on average, 50 per cent more productive if their start in the business had been more effective. Those who said their start was positive reported differential productivity of up to 30 per cent.

经理人在接受猎头公司Harvey Nash调查时表示,如果能够更有效地融入新的工作岗位,他们的工作效率平均可以提高50%。那些表示自己在新岗位上表现良好的经理人相对于其他新入职经理人的工作效率差异可高达30%。

Taking into account a typical executive salary of perhaps £180,000 a year, and the costs of an executive search, plus the impact on the team the executive is leading – perhaps hundreds of individuals – the report says that “as lost productivity cascades through the team, the total financial impact of a poor start is exponentially multiplied.

考虑到高管的年薪一般约为18万英镑,再计入寻找一位经理人的成本以及管理者对所带领团队的影响——团队规模也许达到数百人——Harvey Nash的调查报告指出,“随着工作效率低下现象从上到下侵蚀整个团队,新上任经理人开局不利的财务成本将呈指数级增长。

The survey used a mixture of online and telephone interviews with senior executives from a cross-section of public sector, FTSE 350 and non-listed UK companies and subsidiaries of multinationals. A smaller number of human resources directors were also interviewed.

该调查采用在线以及电话访谈的形式,访问了来自公共部门、富时350(FTSE 350)指数成分公司、英国非上市企业以及跨国公司的子公司等多元化背景的高级经理人。少数人力资源主管也在受访之列。

Executives in the survey summed up the “onboarding or induction process by saying:


“I was given an hour-long overview of the business by my MD, a laptop and a phone. Then left alone.


“It was a case of ‘here are the key names, go and figure it out’.


“It was left to me to make my own meetings and introductions.


“It was sink or swim.


A key way in which companies could retain and squeeze more productivity out of their newly hired executives would be simply to use the information gathered during the selection process, such as psychometric evaluations. Almost 30 per cent of executives never see the results of these, the report says.


Key performance indicators should also be set as soon as possible, with at least one development-related objective to keep the focus on the “leadership and cultural champion aspects.


A good onboarding plan should extend beyond 90 days and a mentor or coach should be given at least a year’s remit.


Also, the new executive should be involved in a cross-functional project as early as possible.


Mark Bardoe, regional vice-president for Europe, Middle East and Africa at Stefanini, a global IT and consulting company, says his induction process was a good example of how to do things right compared with previous bad experiences.

国际IT与咨询公司Stefanini负责欧洲、中东以及非洲业务的地区副总裁马克·巴铎(Mark Bardoe)表示,相对于曾经有过的糟糕经历而言,近期他的入职经历可以作为如何安排好入职培训的优秀范例。

“There’s an assumption by many people that the more senior you are, for some reason they perceive that you don’t need an induction process to hit the road running, he says. “But there’s no question that if there’s an effective induction process, you don’t waste so much time.


Sometimes companies forget to ensure very basic knowledge. One company Mr Bardoe worked for had an online system to approve requests but “the system didn’t recognise me because I never sat down with HR.


He says companies that quickly acquaint a new executive with their colleagues, such as asking senior executives to comment and take part right at the start in the interview process, make it easier for them to build networks quickly.


He once left a company within the first three months because he felt he was given “unrealistic scenarios at the selection process. “I think it doesn’t hurt you as much to get out in the first three months if it isn’t working out, he says. “You need to have a tough conversation and getting out early leaves you less damaged.


One senior executive who did not want to be named says he found the size of a company made no difference to its induction process – it was down to culture.


“In my role as a senior operations director, I have to build relationships across the company very quickly and I’m at a disadvantage if there isn’t a good onboarding process. It slows me down, he says.


“I need to learn the basics and link things together quickly and it’s better if there’s a structured process. Business runs at a fast pace so I need to run to keep up. I want to be impressive and make an impact but I might be running in the wrong direction.


“Buddying or partnering are important ways of learning quickly about a company, he says. He has been in his present role for about eight months but is still considered a “new hire, which means he receives support across the company and no one assumes prior knowledge on his part.


Lesley Uren, a talent management expert at PA Consulting Group, says many senior executives do not want to show ignorance by asking for guidance while companies do not realise that the success of many executives is often “contextualised in a particular role or company.

莱斯利·尤伦(Lesley Uren)是英国博安咨询集团(PA Consulting Group)一位富有才干的管理专家。他表示,很多高级经理人都不希望因为要求得到指点而令自己显得无知,而公司则没有意识到,很多经理人的成功都与他所担任的职位或者任职的公司密不可分。

“The more senior you become, the less dependent your success is on technical skills than on softer skills, such as networking and the ability to influence and to get things done in an organisation, she says. “Companies should do more to ensure those networks are accessible and be really clear what success is.



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