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发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The US Congress should agree to higher taxes on the wealthy to avoid the fiscal cliff, a top Republican economist has conceded in a sign of the rapidly shifting political climate in Washington before negotiations to avert the looming budget crisis.


Writing in the Financial Times, Glenn Hubbard, who advised Barack Obama’s rival Mitt Romney on his losing presidential bid, is the latest prominent conservative to suggest Republicans should change tack and accept the president’s structure for impending budget talks.

米特·罗姆尼(Mitt Romney,他在本次大选中最终不敌巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama))的竞选顾问格伦·哈伯德(Glenn Hubbard)在英国《金融时报》撰文称,共和党应该改变策略,接受奥巴马总统为即将举行的预算谈判提出的架构。哈伯德是最新一位提出这种观点的知名保守派人士。

“The first step is to raise average (not marginal) tax rates on upper-income taxpayers, he wrote. “Revenues should come first from these individuals.


The growing debate among Republicans over how to generate more revenue highlights the change in the political mood since Mr Obama’s victory in last week’s election. The fiscal cliff is a $600bn mix of spending cuts and tax rises set to take effect at the start of next year that could plunge the US back into recession if Congress does not act to pre-empt them.


For most of last year, the Republican refrain was that deep cuts were needed to precede any deal on higher revenues. But against a backdrop of investor concern, the budgetary battle is being waged on terrain that is friendlier to Democrats.


Mr Hubbard said a deal could be achieved by eliminating tax loopholes and capping popular deductions – such as those for mortgage interest, charitable giving and employer-provided health plans – rather than allowing Bush-era tax rates for the rich to expire this year, as Democrats are demanding.


Formal talks are to begin between Mr Obama and congressional leaders on Friday, but informal discussions among advisers are under way. Mr Obama this week will also meet business leaders and labour union officials.



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