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发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

For a few heady weeks last year, this fishing village in southern China became a testing ground for an experiment in grass-roots democracy.


But almost a year after Guangdong provincial officials, led by the reformist party secretary Wang Yang, promised to return to Wukan villagers land seized illegally by their local government leaders, only about 20% of the land has been handed back, according to village activists. That is despite the election of a new village committee after a popular revolt drove out the old leaders.


'I was full of hope but now I realize how naive I was back then,' said Zhuang Liehong, a member of the new committee, recalling efforts by villagers starting in 2010 to petition Guangdong authorities for help that culminated in the election of protesters. 'I feel disappointed,' he said, sipping tea with his wife in their living room just off Wukan's main street. 'Things are obviously not as easy as I thought they were.'


Disillusion in Wukan serves as a symbol of the limits of bottom-up, small-town democracy in China, and how hopes of political liberalization are shifting to the possibility of reforms inside a Communist Party increasingly pushed by a Web savvy generation expressing discontent online.


What comes out of the 18th Party Congress now under way in Beijing may hint at how far the incoming generation of leaders is willing to rethink the party's top-down and opaque approach to governance, which grew out of revolutionary ideals but today looks increasingly out of step with a diverse, pluralistic society.


Protesters in Wukan largely escaped harsh government retributions after demonstrations subsided, and many former protest leaders were elected to the village's new governing committee. Nonetheless, Mr. Zhuang and other villagers have quickly come to realize that the power of the village leaders are severely limited by the heavy hand of higher-level party officials.


The Wukan revolt required delicate balancing by Mr. Wang and other Guangdong officials to appease villagers on the ground─not to mention legions of critical observers in cyberspace─without exposing leaders elsewhere to violent uprisings over perceived injustices.


Questions over whether experiments and promises in Wukan have been successful highlight a frequent disconnect between the party's lofty rhetoric and what's it's capable of delivering.


In addition, the party is now increasingly being pushed to explain and account for its inner workings on every level. Such pressure has been magnified by the rise of new channels for dialogue that has connected hundreds of millions of Chinese into an often raucous conversation over the country's direction.


The party says it has an ear to the ground. 'The country has expanded orderly public participation in political affairs, and the people are extensively involved in decision making,' TingVoa.com news agency said in a pre-Congress report on political development.


It is certainly true that the Chinese public now has more ways than ever to question government action, and influence policy. But that is not by official design. The party's main rival may be an Internet soapbox launched several months after Beijing hosted the Olympics in 2010─Sina Corp.'s SINA -1.32% Weibo microblog. The Twitter-like service with over 360 million registered users, and others like it, has given the Chinese public a far greater voice than tightly controlled local village elections, which were once touted as the first step toward a broader democracy, but which are now increasingly discredited.

诚然,中国公众质疑政府行为、影响政策的途径比以往任何时候都要多。但这并非官方的意图。中共的主要对手可能是2010年北京奥运会结束几个月后推出的网络议事平台、门户网站新浪(Sina Corp.)的微博服务。这个类似Twitter的微博客平台拥有超过3.6亿注册用户。相比受到严格控制的地方村委会选举,以新浪微博为代表的微博客平台给了中国民众一个发出更大声音的机会。中国的村委会选举曾被大肆宣传为迈向更广泛民主的第一步,但现在越来越受到怀疑。

The election system is confined to scattered individual Chinese villages, whose leaders despite their popular mandates have diminishing power to make decisions or spend money. New research into village finances across China led by Stanford University professor Jean C. Oi illustrates how power is being drained from villages, by showing that 71% of Chinese villages in 2005 had a higher-level cadre stationed there, compared with 28% in 1995.

这一选举制度仅限于分散的单个中国村庄。村领导尽管受到村民的拥护,但做决策或进行财政支出的权力却越来越校斯坦福大学(Stanford University)教授戴慕珍(Jean C. Oi)领导的一项对中国各地乡村财政状况的新研究发现,村一级政府的权力正在被抽干:2005年71%的中国村庄有派驻到村里的级别更高的干部,而1995年这一比例只有28%。

At this week's Congress, analysts are looking for signs the party intends to make good on past pledges to introduce more competitiveness and transparency in the selection of top leaders. One sign they are leaning in this direction would be for the party to publicly announce tallies of internal party votes for those tapped for promotion, including Xi Jinping's elevation to Party general secretary to succeed President Hu Jintao.


'I don't think they are going to publish the numbers but if they would that would be major progress,' said Bo Zhiyue, a senior research fellow at the East Asian Institute of the National University of Singapore. Possibly, he said, procedures may be publicized through Chinese media once the congress concludes.

新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)东亚研究所高级研究员薄智跃说,我不认为他们会公布投票数据。但如果他们真这样做,那将是一个重大进步。他说,十八大结束后投票程序可能会通过中国媒体对外公布。

China under President Hu's leadership showed little tolerance for political dissent and moved to crush those perceived as threats to the party's rule. In the name of building a 'harmonious society' they invested heavily in law and order, budgeting more for domestic security than national military defense. Criminal-defense lawyers were arrested, ethnic minorities harassed, and activists punished.


In 2010, a court jailed writer Liu Xiaobo for circulating a manifesto calling for democracy─and left him there after he won the Nobel Peace Prize.


Mr. Hu's generation of leaders made only incremental progress on initiatives launched earlier, like the village elections, public comment periods for municipal plans and publication of more government financial records. None of it has checked the Party's control.


'New leaders must adapt to deep changes in society. Otherwise they'll be unable to maintain political stability,' said Yang Xuedong, deputy director of the World Development Strategy Research Department at the party's Central Compilation and Translation Bureau.


The populations of more than 60 nations this year will elect national-level leaders but the one-man, one-vote notion is thought to be unthinkable to China's senior leaders, as well as to many ordinary people who fear policy gridlock or the creation of a populist strongman.


'We will never copy a Western political system,' President Hu told party cadres Thursday, even as he pledged to extend democracy.


Still, Chen Dingding, a China specialist at the University of Macau, is among those who predict public pressure will increasingly force China toward democratization, though he isn't betting on how liberalization might develop. 'I think the leaders are trying to find something to sustain their legitimacy but they aren't sure what to do,' he said.

不过,澳门大学(University of Macau)中国专家陈定定同样认为,来自公众的压力将会日益迫使中国走向民主化,不过他不敢确定中国的自由化将如何发展。他说:我认为中国的领导人们正在寻找维持其统治合法性的东西,但他们不确定该怎么做。

Wukan residents rejoiced late last year after Guangdong officials promised to investigate allegations of corruption and later recognized an elected local government made up of protest leaders.


Wukan's former longtime party chief, Xue Chang, was sacked from his post and later expelled from the Communist Party for corruption. Meanwhile, a prominent protest leader, Lin Zuluan, replaced him as the village party chief while others who led demonstrations against the government were elected to serve on Wukan's village committee.


The apparent victory was held up by reform activists and some political analysts as a landmark advance for all those struggling against corrupted local leaders. Seizures of villager land by local officials eager to embark on lucrative property development and other projects are among the most profound sources of discontent across the Chinese countryside.


But hope has now faded in Wukan. Authorities in the nearby city of Lufeng, which is administratively above Wukan, are resisting calls to help return the seized land, according to Wukan villagers. Instead, village leaders say, Lufeng officials are trying to soothe villager discontent with economic inducements, such as improving local roads. Wukan households were given new microwaves as gifts recently, according to villagers.


'Candies are not what we really want,' one villager said.


Frustration of slow progress climaxed in September when more than 100 villagers protested outside Wukan's government offices.


Villagers appear conflicted on what type of reform China needs. Many say their protests were about winning back their land, not on promoting wider democratic change. Still, others believe that democracy and other reforms are essential.


'We need democracy to make sure there won't be conditions for corruption to grow on in the future,' said Zhang Jianxing, a young protest leader who has developed close ties to Mr. Lin, Wukan's elected village chief.


Mr. Zhuang, the village committee member, turned despondent not long after Guangdong authorities created a working group to investigate and repair problems in Wukan. Mr. Zhuang said the group's duties were being carried out by local Lufeng officials who are deeply distrusted by Wukan residents. Villagers widely believe some Lufeng officials colluded with Wukan's former leadership on shady land deals.


Repeated attempts to reach officials in Lufeng for comment were unsuccessful.


Mr. Zhuang says he recently attempted to quit the village committee out of frustration, but Mr. Lin, the village chief, has so far refused to accept the resignation.


'I feel they just want to postpone the problem rather than solve it,' he said.



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