加拿大女镇长踩到蜂窝 被蛰身亡-查字典英语网
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加拿大女镇长踩到蜂窝 被蛰身亡

发布时间:2019-09-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The mayor of a Montreal bedroom community who was enjoying a weekend in the country has died of anaphylactic shock after wasps attacked her with repeated stings.


Lucie F. Roussel, the mayor of La Prairie, was near her cottage in the Eastern Townships Sunday when she stepped on a wasps’ nest, and was stung repeatedly. A friend said she suffered at least 15 stings. Ms. Roussel, 51, was transported from her cottage near Stratford to hospital in Thetford Mines, Que., where she was pronounced dead.

周日,La Prairie镇长Lucie F. Roussel在她位于镇东的别墅附近踩到了蜂窝,被黄蜂蛰咬多次。她的一名朋友说她被蛰了至少15次。51岁的Roussel被从Stratford附近的别墅送到位于Thetford Mines的医院,不治身亡。

Colleagues on city council in the community just west of Montreal and other friends said they were not aware she suffered from allergies. But a neighbour in Stratford said she was indeed allergic to venom from bee and wasp stings but did not have an epinephrine injector with her to counteract anaphylactic shock.


Ms. Roussel leaves an 18-year-old daughter, Constance, and a 19-year-old son, Antonin. Before she entered politics, Ms. Roussel practised law in partnership with her husband, Yvon Lemay. He died of a heart attack in December, 2009, at age 47.

Roussel女士留下了1名18岁的女儿Constance和一名19岁的儿子Antonin。在从政前,她和丈夫Yvon Lemay是律师合伙人。她的丈夫与2009年12月因心脏病去世,享年47岁。

About 2 per cent of the population suffer from allergies to the venom from bees, wasps and hornets.


Many people aren’t aware they are allergic, experts say.



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