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巴以冲突升级 以色列调动军队

发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Israel pounded the Gaza Strip with planes and artillery for a second straight day and began mobilizing tens of thousands of troops, while Palestinian militants mounted their deepest-ever missile strikes into the heart of Israel.


The exchanges, which have killed 19 Palestinians and three Israelis, broadened a conflict that had erupted into the open the day before. Israel responded to escalating missile strikes from Gaza militants by launching a blitz of airstrikes Wednesday that killed the top military commander of Hamas, the Islamist militant group and political movement that runs Gaza.


It was unclear whether Thursday's troop movements were designed to intimidate Israel's foes or to lay the groundwork for an invasion. Israel's leaders have said they are ready to launch a ground assault if rocket fire continues.


'The situation has all the elements and dynamics that could lead us down the road to a place we haven't been before,' said Steve Cook, a Mideast specialist at the Council on Foreign Relations. 'It's a very dangerous situation, and it's difficult to say what the Israelis should do.'

外交关系协会(Council on Foreign Relations)中东专家库克(Steve Cook)说,当前的形势具备了所有能让我们陷入以前从未有过的境地的要素和动态,这种形势非常危险,也很难说以色列应当怎么做。

The conflict's course from here on out rests largely with Israel and its neighbor, Egypt─the two nations that form the cornerstone of U.S. policy in the region, but which have seen ties fray in the months since an Islamist government came to power in Egypt.


U.S. efforts to calm the situation depend largely on Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, analysts said. Before becoming president earlier this year, he was a top leader in the Muslim Brotherhood, which has close ideological links to Hamas. With his election, he inherited oversight of billions of dollars in annual U.S. military support and a U.S.-brokered Israeli-Egyptian peace deal that has defined regional security for three decades.

分析人士说,美国平息事态的努力主要取决于埃及总统穆尔西(Mohammed Morsi)。今年早些时候成为总统之前,穆尔西是穆斯林兄弟会(Muslim Brotherhood)的高层领导人,而穆斯林兄弟会与哈马斯在意识形态上有着密切关联。穆尔西当选后也接手了对美国每年数十亿美元军事资助的监督权,还有经美国斡旋达成的以色列与埃及之间的和平协议。这份协议30年来确定了地区安全形势。

On Thursday, Mr. Morsi ordered Egypt's prime minister to lead a delegation into Gaza on Friday, Egyptian state television reported. The visit would pose an unprecedented challenge to Israel, perhaps forcing it to scale back its military operations while the delegation is there. Mr. Morsi's activist response to Israeli-Palestinian violence marks a stark reversal from the more hands-off policies of his predecessor, Hosni Mubarak.

埃及国有电视台报道说,周四,穆尔西下令埃及总理周五率一个代表团前往加沙。这次访问将给以色列带来前所未有的挑战,可能会迫使以方在代表团停留期间缩减军事行动。穆尔西对巴以暴力冲突的积极响应与他的前任穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)更为放任的政策完全相反。

President Barack Obama and administration officials have been in contact with leaders of Israel and Egypt─staunchly supporting Israel's operation while pressing the Egyptians to rein in Hamas, officials said.

相关官员说,美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)及政府官员一直在与以色列和埃及领导人联络,坚定地支持以色列的行动,同时向埃及施压要求其约束哈马斯。


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