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发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

US authorities have formally defined key elements of a foreign bribery law, in an unusual move to help companies avoid violations at a time when regulators around the globe are increasingly scrutinising payments.


The US Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commissionissued a joint 120-page report yesterday, clarifying what kind of payments would be considered illegal under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

美国司法部(DoJ)和证券交易委员会(SEC)昨天联合发布了一份120页的报告,澄清哪些类型的支付将被《反海外腐败法》(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)视为非法。

Under the guidance, paying for a foreign government official’s taxi fare does not constitute a bribe, while a paid “trip to Italy for eight Iraqi government officials that consisted primarily of sightseeing and included $1,000 in ‘pocket money’ for each official would be deemed improper.


The FCPA’s definition of a foreign official was also clarified to include employees of companies that are majority owned, or controlled, by a foreign government.


The US clarification follows similar guidance from UK authorities last month and aggressive lobbying by the US Chamber of Commerce, which had sought to rein in US prosecutors.

在美国方面做出此次澄清之前,英国有关部门上月发表类似指导文件,而试图约束美国检察官权限的美国商会(US Chamber of Commerce)开展了积极的游说。

At one congressional hearing on the law last year, the appropriateness of taxi fare payments was hotly debated.


While the chamber had no immediate comment, the specific examples are likely to be welcomed by the business community.


About 965 non-US companies have securities that trade in the US and are also considered by the US authorities to be under their jurisdiction. Few companies choose to contest DoJ investigations, since a court battle and criminal conviction can put them out of business.


Business groups have complained the US government has, as a result, taken a broad and largely unchallenged reading of the law, which prohibits paying bribes to foreign officials to win or retain business. Companies add they are forced to spend millions of dollars to investigate allegations in units around the world – and millions more to settle with the DoJ and SEC.



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