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发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Aux armes, citoyens. La patrie en danger. France is losing its triple-A status. If the French are honest, they should seize on expulsion from the club to do some clear thinking.


Moody’s cut its top rating late on Monday, following a similar move by Standard and Poor’s in January. The main reason is France’s “gradual, sustained loss of competitiveness and the longstanding rigidities of its labour, goods and service markets. That is pretty damning – but it is surely not news to the French.

穆迪(Moody's)于周一晚下调了对法国的AAA评级,标准普尔(Standard and Poor's)也曾于今年1月做出类似调整。下调的主要原因在于,法国“正逐渐而持续地丧失经济竞争力,劳动力、商品及服务市场长期僵化。这种评价的确尖锐,但法国人显然不是头一次听到。

France’s benchmark is Germany, yet most comparison indicators are pointing in the wrong direction. The French are (rightly) proud of their industries, yet industry’s share of gross value added has fallen by more than 5 percentage points to 12.5 per cent since the launch of the euro, according to Citi research, compared with a 1 percentage point gain in Germany. Employee costs are two-thirds of profits at French companies, compared with 60 per cent at their German competitors. That fact is not reflected in stock market returns, however – German and French stocks have performed roughly in line over five years.


France does not have to be the eurozone’s perennial number two. It has great companies – top-notch in luxury goods (LVMH), energy (Total) and pharmaceuticals (Sanofi), competitive in aerospace (EADS) and machinery (Schneider Electric). Moreover, outsiders see value where the French seemingly do not. Activist investors from London and New York have built stakes in aerospace group Safranand food concern Danone. French stocks could be a steal right now.

法国并非注定要作欧元区的“千年老二。它拥有伟大的公司——奢侈品行业的路威酩轩(LVMH)、能源行业的道达尔(Total)、制药行业的赛诺菲(Sanofi)均是各自领域的佼佼者,航空航天行业的欧洲航空防务与航天集团(EADS)以及机械行业的施耐德电气(Schneider Electric)也竞争力十足。此外,外部人士发现了法国人似乎未能发现的价值。伦敦和纽约的主动型投资者已在积累航空航天集团赛峰(Safran)和食品公司达能(Danone)的股份。法国股现在可能物超所值。

The socialist government has responded to a report on the lack of industrial competitiveness with a €20bn corporate tax break. That is throwing money at the wrong problem. It is labour costs, not tax bills, that need to fall, if France is to counter the decline in its competitive position and its overall creditworthiness. This matters: it will issue €170bn of debt next year, and its borrowing costs will surely rise. La patrie is not en danger. But la fête is definitely finie.




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