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发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The BBC was scrambling last night to limit the damage done in a scandal that has seen director-general George Entwistle quit and chairman Lord Patten call for a “radical overhaul of the publicly funded British broadcaster.

BBC昨晚努力试图限制一场丑闻的损害。这场丑闻已导致BBC总裁乔治·恩特威斯尔(George Entwistle)辞职,董事会主席彭定康勋爵(Lord Patten)呼吁对这家英国公营广播机构进行“彻底改革。

The BBC boss resigned after only eight weeks in the post following the admission that he had not known about an investigation aired on Newsnight, a BBC news programme, that mistakenly linked a senior political figure to child abuse. It is the second scandal to rock the broadcaster in the past month following allegations that television presenter Jimmy Savile sexually abused teenage children.

恩特威斯尔在任仅8周,他在辞职前承认,自己并不知晓BBC资讯节目《资讯之夜》(Newsnight)播出的一起调查,该调查错误地将一位资深政治人物与虐童联系起来。这是过去一个月撼动BBC的第二场丑闻,此前有指控称,已故的电视主持人吉米·萨维尔(Jimmy Savile)曾性侵多名青少年。

Lord Patten, the former chairman of the Conservative party, said he would not respond to calls for his resignation that had appeared in some Sunday newspapers. “I think my job is to make sure that we now learn the lessons from the crisis, he said. “If I don’t do that and don’t restore huge confidence and trust in the BBC then I’m sure people will tell me to take my cards and clear off. But I will not take my marching orders from Mr Murdoch’s newspapers.


An imminent internal report over the Newsnight investigation could lead to more resignations at the broadcaster, senior BBC insiders said. Mr Entwistle resigned on Saturday night after earlier admitting that he did not know about the Newsnight investigation before it was transmitted, despite news stories and messages on Twitter 12 hours before transmission, speculating about a revelation on the programme.


He also said he had not seen the broadcast and did not hear about it until the following day. Lord Patten said yesterday he had known about the planned broadcast the morning before it went on air.



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